What do Monsters do When Knights aren't Around?
.......Mabey they just chill out...... or plot against us =0!!!
The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world!
They play hide and seek.
Thats why they are never seen until we're in the middle of a room or push a button.
If a Lumber falls in the middle of a Wolver Den floor and there are no knights around to hear it, does it make a sound? Do Lumbers even exist prior to being perceived by knights and cease to exist the moment there aren't any to perceive them? =O
I conclude that, while there aren't any knights around, they are either existing or falling down. =D
They just chill out in their houses watching TV and stuff, then they get teleported to you and spawn infront of you.
Eat. Mate. Sleep. Not necessarily in that order or frequency.
Sudden Revival.
A vicious cycle.
Seeing as they spawn only upon our arrival to a particular area of the clockworks, one would speculate that while our presence is not yet noted the monsters are suspended in inert animation in an 'tween' universe where they exists WITHOUT actually exist-'ing'. When Knights reach the 'trigger point', it causes a rift in the time-space continuum that travels through the tween dimension, disrupting the balance in that dimension and 'sucking' said creatures to their areas. However, because this tween dimension exists outside of regular time/space, some normal rules of physics don't apply to it's contents, and the creatures are not removed, they are simply displaced by a few seconds, effectively creating a 'copy' that is sent to our world. Other physical rules also do not apply, so these creatures need no nourishment nor sustenance during their suspension, and have no prior knowledge of their surroundings. They do not even think while being held within the tween dimension.
They don't exist until they spawn.
Then we end their short existence.
Recently, Intel Agent Kora has summed up multiple reports from Recon Knights.
"SLIMES are often seen attending plays organized by Impostocube and grumbling about paying taxes to the Royal Jelly. All of this is said in shlorps and boings, of course.
BEASTS do stuff that beasts do. Eat. Sleep. Mate. Run from the Snarbolax. Blink. Cloak. Wish there were more beast enemies in the game.
GREMLINS constantly prepare to beat the heck out of us. They tend to avoid direct light (especially sunlight, that'll give them killer sunburns) or submerging themselves in water. They usually have a meal one minute after midnight.
UNDEAD vary. Zombies will usually be uprooting plants, due to a particular phenomenon that makes certain plants pop their heads off. (This phenomenon is currently being researched by a Spiral Technician known as "Insane Davis".) Kats prefer to play with etheral balls of yarn; some Kats have been known to consume large amounts of lasagna as well. Howlitzers are usually trying to figure out a way to move without their heads blowing up. One almost came up with something... then he took a Pulsar to the knee. (Wait, what?)
FIENDS are always about their sinister business. Greavers are usually laughing at Youtube videos of bombers dying; Silkwings are, even now, trying to learn a way to pick up and drop explosive blocks. Devilites, of course, are always working. In particular, the regular Devilites are the grunts of the Undercorp workforce. Firebranders are from the IR (Infernal Resources) department, and usually are out to get one of the other employees. Layoafers are on vacation; Blarfuls should be working. As for Devil-ITs... (Kora shuddered at this part) you do NOT want to know what Devil-ITs do while we're not around. I am appalled that Undercorp defines their actions as 'work'. Simply put, when you're surfing, watch where you browse."
"If a Lumber falls in the middle of a Wolver Den floor and there are no knights around to hear it, does it make a sound? Do Lumbers even exist prior to being perceived by knights and cease to exist the moment there aren't any to perceive them? =O
I conclude that, while there aren't any knights around, they are either existing or falling down. =D"
According to Schrödinger they theoretically could be doing both at the same time O.o
Complain about getting nerfed.
I would say that when Knights are gone....
Devilites work all day
Silkwings pollinate the flowers in the clockworks
Greavers sleep or fly around eating silkwings
Trojans probably sit and think about their emotional problems stemming from them leaving the Spiral Order
Wolvers probably dig around, hunt Chromalisks, and fight with other packs
Chromalisk eat Silkwings and hide from predators
Gremlins go about their work of constructing, deconstructing, and reconstructing the clockworks. They plan the downfall of the knights as well. Oh and they probably worry about their carbon emissions.
Constructs just go about helping the Gremlins in their pursues for happiness
They most likely haunt the halls of the clockworks, scaring gremlins until they pee themselves and abandon this section of the clockworks
Lichens roam around looking for others to settle down, become a big happy colony and begin fission.
Jellies probably wiggle around looking for precious gems and whatnot to give to the Royal Jelly, but Knights always kill them before they get to the throne room
So here are my ideas...
The Chromalisks run around and steal from the other monsters until a Wolver bites its tongue off. Wolvers do what regular wolves do: they run around, hunt, howl, stick together in packs, and occasionally fly starfighters. Gun puppies sit under floor panels and contemplate their existence. Occasionally they'll pop up for maintenance from a gremlin. Malfunctioning Gun puppies will fire off bullets at random until they've been destroyed by a gremlin or other passing monster. Lumbers gaze around with utter disdain, knowing that they could destroy any of their companions if they wished. Mecha knights sit around, hallucinating that they're actually Spiral Knights trapped within the clockworks. Occasionally, one will power down, and then it can only be revived by energy. Retrodes... don't ask about retrodes. Scuttlebots act like ants, always looking for a gremlin toolbox to eat out of. When provoked, scuttlebots have been known to flee in terror. Devilites enjoy reenacting scenes from "The Office" when a Pit Boss isn't around. Overtimers of all species rage about their life and live in apartments. Pit bosses do exactly what they do in the heat of battle. They run around, drink coffee, and promote workers. Greavers are still trying to figure out how they perpetually stay in the air while gliding. Those who figure it out are immediately banished from Cradle. Trojans constantly complain about the itch on their back. When one Trojan scratches another Trojan's back, the crystal usually breaks, which is why Trojans are so rare. Silkwings collect payment for their services, and get into arguments with Gremlin healers over who's the better healer. Gremlin thwackers smash things into place with their hammers, and occasionally play whack-a-mole with gun puppies. Scorchers set everything on fire. Literally, that's all they do. Gremlin Demos are often found in the Ironclaw munitions factory restocking on bombs and rations for their clockworks adventures. When Knights storm the factory, they all immediately flee. Gremlin Knockers are the ones who tinker and repair constructs and parts of the clockworks, which is where they pick up the crystals found in their wrenches. They also play the part of mad scientist/horrible electrician. Jelly cubes and their variants all enjoy a nice game of croquet, being rather stately and organized. Lichens, on the other hand, are the exact opposite. They're horribly unorganized, and can barely form a comprehensible thought, much less talk to each other. Polyps have been known to de-attach themselves from their bases and roll around. Unfortunately, their eyes are in said base, so they usually roll off of a cliff. Howlitzers wonder when they'll be able to escape their horrible existence, and when they realize that they can't, they emit horrible wails of pain and agony, which usually drive the other monsters in the area insane. Kats act cute and cuddly until they see a group of wolvers, at which point they get nasty and attack. The two groups usually come to a standstill. Phantoms wonder how they died, not realizing that they're creations of the clockworks and not souls of dead beings. Zombies simply sit in their graves or underneath the surface where they were buried. Occasionally, they'll mistake a passing Mecha Knight for a Spiral Knight, and they'll attack, not caring whether or not they're right. Tortodrones, Slooms, and Jelly Green Giants wonder when they're going to make a comeback. Snarbolaxes chase down and consume Wolvers and any other beasts roaming their woods. The Royal Jelly absorbs his subjects without remorse, slowly growing larger in the process. The Roarmulus Twins go through rigorous target practice while they wait for their ultimate mission of attacking Haven. And Lord Vanaduke sits in the deepest, darkest corner of the Firestorm Citadel... and trolls the Spiral Knight forums on his laptop.
When knights aren't around, trojans their speed increased way too much.
They will play Spiral Monsters on there computer.
Whats are devilites live's like when knights aren't trying to kill them? Miserable tiresome and oppressive. See, devilites have unfortanetatly been forced to live in the slums of the clockworks. It's always dark, not because it is artificial nighttime, but because the artificial sun is blocked out my the layers of pollution from the gremlin construction factories, which sadly, are right next universe. This combined with the fact that knights are constantly running through with massive swords, Law defining Guns, and destructive bombs, raises their insurance premiums through the roof. Sadly, they don't get health benefits. As a result they are forced to work overtime for a majority of their lives. Even more unfortunate is their bosses, who are lazy, yet strong and always drink all of the coffee. Every last drop. They often form worker's union movements. As a result the Spiral order has been forced to pump more and more soldiers into the clockworks to suppress these movements (which further raises insurance premiums) in fear of the rise of Devomunism, which has already developed in gremlin society, leading to the current race for better weapons. Massive Rocket-shooting Gun puppies are one thing, but the Spiral Order would not be able to ward off an Massive Arsenal of Nuclear armchairs and soda cans without destroying nearly half of the clockworks. What's even worse, The Kats have signed a peace treaty with the Gremlins and Devilites, Called the Gearsaw pact, and plan on enriching armchairs to create nuclear arm chairs via Dark Ritual. We know they are developing said weapons but continue to reply with "What dark ritual?" In an effort prevent a disaster, the spiral order has sent Knights into the Halls of the Scarlet Fortress with hopes of finding intel on ways to stop these dark rituals. The Spiral Order has recieved a lot of criticism over these decisions and Knight are beganing to wonder why exactly they are fighting. It's only a matter of time till the Clockworks erupts into a Civil Nuclear Warzone. Which raises the question, why has it come to this, and exactly who fault is it.
They join impostocube for a spot of tea in the Royal Jelly Palace.
the chromalisks are a silkwing control service
the lumbers chop wood (but are often mistaken for the wood)
no need to explain devillites
wolvers are a chroma control service
silkwings cant even show up in time and die of starvation
contructs are still thinking about what to do
trojans try to spar but end up killing eachother
gremlins are still trying to figure out a better weapon than a thwack hammer
undead scare sad knights who refuse to do anything else but sit there and cry about how sad they are
eater OUT O3O
PS marvin... that was hilarious!! trojans with an itch on thier back...LOL XD
They collect their checks from OOO for making us play their game.
They play an online game about some creatures who land on an alien world.
Recieve their salary from OOO for letting us kill them, day after day after day.
That is, all except devilites, because the boss keeps them all for himself.
Question is, what do chromalisks spend them all on? Evidently, trojans spend it on anti-itch cream. Wolvers get dog bones. Kats get balls of string that were ruthlessly murdered in the living world by other cats. Greavers get bomber dolls. &c
Developers gonna develop
Players gonna play
Monsters gonna monst
Ragers gonna rage
Tersers gonna Ters (=make a coming with monsters monsting)
Also... "And Lord Vanaduke sits in the deepest, darkest corner of the Firestorm Citadel... and trolls the Spiral Knight forums on his laptop."
Great ending to a great post.
they are obviously playing a 3rd person, top-down RPG called Human Knights
Silkwings and Menders lose their jobs when we aren't around.