Why can we take screen shots too - you may say, press F12, well guess what that turns your volume up and idk how to change it, what im saying is should'nt we be able to choose the button that we want in options to take a screen shot?
Bit unfair that people on mac cant take screen shot >.>
"what im saying is should'nt we be able to choose the button that we want in options to take a screen shot?"
Go to options--> controls. It's there :P
Had you even checked out the options this thread would never exist.
there isen't anything saying for screenshot -_-
It's automaticly set as F12.
I forgotten the name, but it's there.
Wow you failed. You missed a letter there bud.
Seriously, i got my laptop, 900, and it handles battlefield 3, GTA4, and many others online, or off, with zero lag. Intel I7, 32GB RAM, windows 7 home premium.
While meanwhile, my friend owns a 2000 dollar macbook, and lags to death just with SK.
Well first of all you can use Shift+command+3 to take a screenshot on a mac anyway (or shift+command+4 for more precision but that seems to break my sk chat).
If you want to do the steam SS you'll have to either change around the steam settings under preferences in the in-game tab, or change what your f12 is used for under system preferences for your mac.
Also, f12 shouldn't change volume, although they may be on the same key, to use the fwhatever buttons on some macs (especially laptops) you have to hold the fn key (lower left corner) while you press whichever f you want to use.
"there isen't anything saying for screenshot -_-"
If all else fails, we haev a search function
It's fn + F12 you loser :/
You make the rest of us mac users look like noobs!
Macs hace a built in screenshot ability press Command+Shift+3 to take a screenshot anywhere at anytime! You don't need any extra programs, its built in! Just remember to crop it out if your name is in your top right corner!
Remember its spelled Macintosh so... really spelled backwards is shotnicam
Apple dropped the name macintosh in 2002 or so, and just went mac.
Wrong again! On the apple website they say iMac and on my computer (bought 2010) the hard drive is named Macintosh HD. (I don't have lag btw)
Simple, change the control settings. Or hold the fn button while pressing f12.
"Remember its spelled Macintosh so"
"On the apple website they say iMac "
You said it :p
"You don't need any extra programs"
No one said the opposite.
"Macs hace a built in screenshot ability press Command+Shift+3"
Read 4 posts above yours.
At the same time, it should go to your desktop screen
Ok, the Mac spelling differences were in response to something and i did point out that the computers do still say Macintosh. And I was to understand that Windows needs programs enabled with screenshots to take one; and good call, i didn't see that one
*chokes on popcorn, laughing*
Ooohhhhhh.... Macs. Do me a favor, spell that backwards for me.