Were a Guild standing since Beta, Were all happy players that love to play SK everyday or during your days off... if your a adventurist that love to be down in Clockworks killing and Slashing your way down to The Core or just a Heaven Player that love to be up in Heaven selling and Meeting new player sow here is a Guild for you. i never had any restriction in my guild, like i say Mi Casa is your Casa! feel free to come and go as you like, but only the faithful that Stay without coming and going will go up in Rank... like i call them the Real and Loyal Players of the Guild.
im a 5 Star player and Guild Owner that help its Loyal and faithful Members Only.
if your up for the Fun look me up im Crazywave or any of my Officers, your all welcome to be an Angel or Demon in our Guild.
truly Crazywave
Owner of Angels vs Demons
Since Jan 6, 2010
I haven't seen a single person in this guild EVER, and I picked this game back up in AUGUST. 2010? I think not, it may have been here then, but there's no way it's been around since then. At least tell some kind of truth when you post it, it would've been much easier to just try telling everyone it was a beta guild that's been inactive this whole time, as opposed to just saying you've really been here all this time.
Sounds like a rant? yeah......no point trying to say you've really been here THAT LONG, wasn't it mentioned somewhere that guilds haven't even been out for two years? Or more, for that matter, I'm sure I saw that somewhere.....
This concludes my rant-sounding, type thing, I mean nothing against these guys, but don't just make up stuff.