Choose one of those action.
a) Change haven.
b) Sorry, I got no crown.
c) Run.
d) Give crown.
e) Advice them.
f) Camouflage yourself to be like a new player.
g) Ignore them.
I have choose action B. What your actions?
Choose one of those action.
a) Change haven.
b) Sorry, I got no crown.
c) Run.
d) Give crown.
e) Advice them.
f) Camouflage yourself to be like a new player.
g) Ignore them.
I have choose action B. What your actions?
I take em to vanaduke and ditch them.
I just simply reply "lol" to everything they say, no exceptions.
D) -> 1 Crown
H) "Okay, come to the Training Hall/Arcade/whatever" -> Stop right after crossing the dotted line
I) Buy some mist crafting mats
Obviously, I would take h, because that option doesn't exist and inviting them to vana and then going on solo to see them wasting 10 energy is just SO EBIL that it actually is not worth doing so.. because they may have 5* friends HURR
I just play the 'Why do you need it?" game.
B(beggar): Can I have some crowns?
M(me): Why do you need it?
B: I need it to buy something.
M: Why do you need to buy something?
B: I need it to get better gear.
M: Why do you need it to get better gear?
B: I need it to get better gear so I can get better at the game.
M: Why do you need it to get better at the game?
B: I need it to get better at the game because it is a very good weapon.
M: Why do you need a very good weapon to get better at the game?
B: So I can kill monsters faster.
M: Why do you need it to kill monsters faster?
M: :)
I don't really come across beggars that I feel worth doing this to, I usually ignore, but sometimes I just do this to annoy them. Once, some guy got REALLY annoyed, and sent me a friend request asking me to stop. Then he ran away. Probably to a different Haven. A second time, I did it on some old guildy who had left the guild, and had scammed me once, so I felt obliged to do it to him. He got really annoyed too, and called me a little (male part), and ran away. I felt satsified after that.
I prefer to taunt them with my sort-of-richness.
-When they send a trade request, accept it.
-Input 50,000cr or so.
-Watch them freak out for a few seconds.
-Say something like "whoops, I thought you were someone else, nvm."
-Cancel the trade.
-Observe reaction from a safe distance.
I play poker in the trade window with them if they start dumping junk mats in the window to entice me to give them something.
If they don't ante up, I fill the window with the most valuable things I can, and/or the largest round number of CR and CE I have available, and I go make a cup of tea.
thanks for the new game... I've played it a few times lol
I show them my stuff and leave for a minute or so.. Usually they stay for a while waiting for me to hit confirm. Then I go back and say I was afk soz and then get rid of all my valuable items and put in a scrap metal. I only do this to beggars who are unusually persistent.
LOL heres one technique I use for really stubborn beggars:
Step 1: When beggar trades, accept.
Step 2: Put in 1 crown.
Step 3: Hit confirm.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 for continued desperation from the beggar, and play this
j) start begging HIM for crowns
result: he logs off/changes havens
If it's a small sum of cr, materials or a spare weapon I have, I hand it over.
If not, I ignore them. Beggers don't really bother me.
Ignore white text, hide trade request and go about my buisness
>Switch havens
>If they still follow me, scream, "I TOLD YOU NOT TO FOLLOW ME!!" Proceed to strangle them and bash their face off with a nearby rock.
>Take a video of it
>Upload it on the webz
I tell them a story. It goes like this.
Do you know what begging does??? (do I get stuff now)
I always use option F: /shout GO FREAKIN BEG SOMEWHERE ELSE! >:D
throw college-level math questions at them. chances are the beggar is in high school or below. i do pay the amount they ask for if they succeed though...if they are not vanguards in disguise. :3
Step by step beggar solution
Take beggar into a building
Light beggar on fire
Throw beggar out the window
Collect whatever junky items he had
Pretend beggar is an old friend, congratulate him on his recent shadow lair run. Compliment his great nooby-looking disguise.
Watch rising frustration.
*Offers 1 Crown*
Doc: "Don't spend it all in one place!"
Beggar: "more"
Doc: "You want to wait more time to get your money? Okay"
*leaves to some random mission*
I start going on about how my family abandoned me and I'm a poor guy living on the street with nothing but an extremely lagged-up laptop, and then start stating reasons why he should give me crowns/CE instead.
1. Force them to give a well-reasoned and supported argument, employing appeals to logic and emotion (They lack any credibilty by begging). Anyone who encounters me better work for their money.
2. Punch in a lot of money and head to the toilet.
3. Force them to quote from various movies and works of literature. I'm leaning on dialogue from Pulp Fiction and prose of Wordsworth at the moment, but anything else is possible.
4. Convince them that a player of merit would earn their money through work. If I managed to grind my way up to 12+ 5* swords and still remain free to play, they can earn whatever amount they ask for.
I know people that put 10k ce in the trade screen, then go afk for a long, long time.
I personally ignore/report them. Tell them to stop spamming, and if they don't, report.
I tell them to work hard and get their own crowns!
Or I call in my Angelic thugs to do the dirty work of "divine condemnation and tossing him/her into the bottomless burning pit".
Then I eat cookies and cakes :3.
Here is one for Psychodestroyer for being a good man!
*vanishes in a blinding flash of light*
Well, i'll probably do it like this,
Beggar: I need 2100 crowns
Me: You know, no-one likes beggars, did you know that?
Beggar: ... (yep, they usually just ignore me, and ask someone else for crowns...)
Me: *Going to do my own business*
That's good way to troll beggars.
I beg back at them.
That or I hit on them to make them feel uncomfortable.
"2. Punch in a lot of money and head to the toilet."
Wouldn't it be funny if your younger brother/sister hit confirm while you were at the toilet? :3
It would be:
d) Give crown.
e) Advice them.
Or, I tell them to go get me some flowers from western bazaar. That makes them confused.
I feel mean saying no, and they believe me everytime and just move on with their life.