Healthy potion/capsule - Healing others
Tue, 11/23/2010 - 09:58
Legacy Username
An issue I've bumped on frequently so far is that the wrong person takes the health pill in a party. The annoying part here is that you can't drop them anymore, or use them for anybody else next to yourself.
So perhaps a function much like the revive one, but here for healing another player with your health potion?
Or otherwise just a button to drop capsules you picked up would be just as good!
Tue, 11/23/2010 - 10:04
Legacy Username
Oh, I did try that before but
Oh, I did try that before but ended up throwing capsules around at stuff. I must have done something wrong there then :p
Still a heal function would be a nice thing I believe, but now knowing you can drop them it's not a very urgent or big plus towards the game kind of suggestion.
You can drop capsules by dragging them from the top potion bar to the ground... but this isn't well documented just yet.