Hi everybody! My name is Varsian. I guess i'm kind of a rookie in the treasure vault, having only one fanfic on spiral knights.
Oh well, thats ok right?
For those of you who don't know me, but have heard rumors, let me say those rumors are true. I AM a sociopath, i AM a reckless swordsman. Lag? Pfft, i'm the KING of lag due to the fact i live in China, i think i've clocked more hours in the lag "purgatory" than most.
So, why am I here? Again? Well, that answer is pretty obvious, I'm starting the next part of my story!
WAIT!!!! If any of you have NOT read Artini's Journals, go read it now! The link is right here:
Don't worry, I'll wait. *whistles*
--------------------------SPOILER LINE!! IF YOU HAVE NOT READ ARTINI'S JOURNALS, DO NOT GO PAST HERE!!!!---------------------------------------------
Ok? done reading? Cool! We can continue! So when we finished "Journal Entry 4: Revelations of my past" we were unsure of Artini's fate, and introduced to the mysterious character named "Mkelican" who also happens to be related to Artini some how. What's going to happen next? Well...I dont know...I havnt thought of it yet :P
BUT! That does't mean i've come here empty handed, with false promises! *cough* *cough* Pow *cough* *cough* Whew i have a bad cough today.
I dont know how i'm going to do this, but I'll be accepting characters. Just submit a character with:
Anything you want to add (no super powers, or something like, he is trying to avenge his family):
I'll look at all your character apps, and i will try to answer all your questions.
So! Without further
Here is the prologue to the next chapter in Artini's story: Genesis!
Tairatu typed in the last of his logs for the day. It had been a rather boring day in Haven. A day consisting of writing down data, and recording the mineral deposits of knights coming back from their shifts. The monotonous drag of the day did not help his racing thoughts however. Just five days ago, one of the squad leaders he had assigned a mission to had come back. He was at Death’s doorstep, and was immediately sent into intensive care in the Haven infirmary. The rest of his squad was presumed dead. It had been a tragic day, especially for Tairatu.
Two days after, one of the knights he knew caused him a great deal of mental discomfort. He had finally come to Tairatu and demanded for something that Tairatu was not authorized to give at this time: information. He was the first of his…”kind” to demand the truth. Tairatu asked guards to put him in the Haven holding cells for the time being, at least, until the right time would come. He hoped however, that time would never have to come.
Yes, the past few days had been rough on the officer of the Spiral Order. Tairatu sat down in his chair, closed his eyes, and mused about what would happen next. There were so many ways this could play out. He feared for himself, and of Haven, for the events were starting to line themselves up, ready to be knocked over like dominos.
Tairatu opened his eyes and reached for his com-unit. He scrolled down until he located Kana’s device. Kana was the head of the infirmary, and he needed to get updated on the situation of the squad leader who had returned.
After connecting to Kana, he got right to the point, “How is he?”
“He’s getting better, though I can’t say that’s a good thing for his sake,” Kana responded.
“The Order told you about it?” Tairatu asked.
“Yes, I think my higher up positions gave them enough motivation to tell me all about they’re little…experiment.”
“It’s quite remarkable isn’t it?” Tairatu wondered.
“Yeah, though I don’t think for him it’s any good, “ Kana responded.
“Is he still asleep?” Tairatu asked.
“No, he’s coming to right about now actually. He’s a fighter, I would know, I nursed him back to health when he stumbled into Haven.”
“Yes…Artini is quite stubborn when it comes do death isn’t he?” Tairatu chuckled.
“What do I do when he starts asking questions?” Kana asked.
Tairatu quickly responded, “Tell him nothing, only what he would expect to hear, if there is one thing he doesn’t need to know right now, it’s project Genesis.”
Mkelican lied in his cot, and stared up at the grey ceiling of his cell. I guess I deserve it, attacking an officer like that, he thought to himself. Even so, he felt he had been cheated. Nothing seemed right. All his time on Cradle he had felt lost; part of that was probably due to his amnesia, but that wasn’t important. He picked up one of the rocks in the cell, and threw it at a small crack in the wall. The rock flew towards the small opening and lodged itself in with no problem. Mkelican smiled to himself, he had always been a good shot. Some of the people he knew called his shooting skills super human. Half the time he thought he was just lucky.
He knew it wasn’t over. The look of disbelief in Tairatu’s eyes when he demanded to know whom his brother, Artini, was proved it. How he knew Artini was related to him was beyond him. His dreams told him it was true. According to his dreams, Artini was also a knight without a memory. Soon, he thought, I will get the answers I want, and I WILL meet Artini.
As he thought this, fate would play out like a puppet master. Mkelican WOULD meet Artini; in fact, he would meet him much sooner than he thought.
Ooookay, look who's back in the treasure vault! I'm sorry guys, I drifted away from writing again.
I contracted a few diseases, to name a few: Diablo 3, and Kingdoms of Amalur. I think I'm fighting back Diablo 3 pretty good, but man, Kingdoms of Amalur, thts messing me up pretty bad :P (oh yeah and the minecraft disease is stil with me, but its been with me for a LONG time)
After drifting around the strange Limbo (some would say hell) that is my imagination, i decided, hey, why not come back to spiral knights again? Better yet, why not come back to the treasure vault and see whats going on, maybe finish this story thats been LONG over due.
Well, thats what I intend to do, I mean really, what else am I going to do over the summer? Go outside? Pfft, what do you think i have, a life?
Anyway, i see a lot of guys comming back, Happyapathy to name one (Good to see you back :D), and also Pow...OH FOR TH-*ahem* everyone deserves a millionth try right?
I'll be pumping out my story soon, preferably around the beginning of July, but you know me, I suck at commitments lol.
Also, i want some character apps! If u guys posted on my first fanfic, post here or something idk, i'll read through the apps over on my first fanfic again.
Until then, I'll see you all around, be it haven, treasure vault or wherever!