Recently the price of CE has sky-rocketed and I wanted to know how players feel about it. If we can get enough supporters the prices in the market might lower.
The rising price of Crystal Energy
If we're gonna have rage threads again with people pointing out AGAIN that this happens EVERY TIME and then it will NATURALLY LOWER but you people WONT LISTEN.
Then for all I care let it break 8k.
Please people. Make it 10k just to anger everyone. I ain't malicious but.... I would love to see just how many people we can get to come to the forums and rage :)
This is one wave of rage threads, I cannot wait to read.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
The 'problem' with SK is the world is not a perpetial motion machine of game play, the potential for the environment to seize up always exists if no one wants to inject CE into the system. It's like an arcade game, someone has to insert a coin somewhere otherwise all you get is the demo (no progress pass 2*). Is this common with other MMO's?
The elevator pass demo event was an intresting experiment, now that everyone had a taste it might lead to more passes being sold. It is possible, but presumably improbable that this could imply a change of the revenue method.
There is a game mechanic that exists right now that could be repurposed to full the CE hole if that were indeed true - Crystal crunching. Suppose instead of redeeming minerals for 2 or3 cr each, we get energy from those crystals.. Right now they feel like an artifact from an earlier phase in game design and the Treasure Vaults even more so. Perhaps that was an idea that was passed on when the game introduced its revenue stream?
All I know is I find the elevator pass a more rewarding buy than CE - a month of It-Just-Works dungeon crawling Vs. Hoping to have something to show for it when it's all gone
CE is twice the price it was when I started SK with Steam launch. But I'm many times "richer" today than I was back then. Sure the CE price today is off-putting, but for me today it's not an issue.
Indeed, if you're talking about actually playing the game, CE price isn't much of an issue at all because I don't even usually have enough time in the day to drain the mist on my account. I barely have enough time for one Vanaduke mission or a couple of Jelly Palaces.
Threads like these make me mad >:( Never have i once bought CE with real money, i mean seriously you can be full 5* like me without buying but do we need people to? Yes. Will the prices go down? Yes. It's a circle; A special offer such as dragon wings and mirrored lock boxes when you buy CE lowers it value. Once the offer goes away, after a week or so prices go up, and end up higher than they may have been before. Advice: If you dont want to buy CE with real money, then WAIT. I promise you there will be another special offer sometime pretty soon and the prices will go down. I would also suggest selling whatever CE that you have before the next offer.
I buy and sell CE, so I don't get affected too much by rising and falling CE prices. I normally like the CE to be higher; all my crowns go towards Punch. :]
"If we can get enough supporters the prices in the market might lower."
How is that so? Its like those magic Facebook likes? If you click enough the magic of internet will make food and water appear in third world countries?
We get enough supporters and CE price magically drop?
The only way to get CE prices to drop is to either:
A) Don't buy CE for the next few months
B) Give OOO $100 and then sell all your newly bought CE
"If we can get enough supporters the prices in the market might lower."
Might I ask you to go to that search bar, type in "CE petition", hit enter, then realize how much you have failed.
There has been (someone please give the link to him) a petition on this, that went on for about 5 pages pleading to lower the price.
Honestly, these CE threads accomplish not much more than a few laughs from those that know how the market works.
you forgot
3) Wait for the next CE promo / big update.
SEE didnt i say that the ce price is going to be up to like 20k by next month!!!
its going sky high.
It is funny how people say to wait for the next CE promo, looks like OOO has to cater to the energy buyers instead of dealing with the current CE real money purchase prices. Why should OOO make CE promos? Just support the game like you do usually now, or else you won't have any purchasers later on, or at least way less people.
Don't avoid the fact that the people that are rising the Crowns > CE price are slowly locking the market to people who already are set up in the game. Those people should also think that they are scaring away all those newbies that just entered from the last patch.
To whoever thinks this needs to go on, please reconsider. And no, I am ok actually with the prices, I could actually afford them, but I know many, many people who don't. And I actually stopped buying energy more than a week ago... along with, all the guild I am into.
@Aumir: Your argument confuses me...
OOO caters to the energy buyers because they are the ones supporting the game. If someone gives you money, you should respond with some sort of gratitude.
You seem to imply that there is some sort of conspiracy behind those raising the CE price... The CE prices goes up every time someone buys CE with crowns. That is the vast majority of players. It's not some small group of elitists. In fact, the small group of elitists who have tons of CE are the ones LOWERING the price via selling it.
What I meant is that the REAL energy buyers, with real money, want more energy for what they pay for. If they get that, they lower the price a bit, if not, it continues rising due to them not buying CE or in small quantities.
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, wish my first language was English. xD
It isn't conspiracy, it is just greed. Which is the bad side of economics, and it is really hard to avoid...
I can only assume they'll go back down now that the free elevator event is over...
The excess of crowns on the market needs to be sunk somewhere first...
Where are them crown sinks when ya need em?!
Oh that's what you mean.
I'm pretty sure they tried that at one point. They had it so you got 40% more energy with every purchase. I recall the CE price barely moving though, going from like 7.1k to 6.9k for a few days.
The top end of the price of CE is probably close to 18k (which is about the max amount of crowns you can earn with 100mist right now - KoA really needs a difficulty boost). The energy market will always ver towards making the crown to mist ratio break even. So the price will keep going up until we reach what the average player makes with their mist per day. (Which is probably much lower than the max 18k)
Of course OOO seems to like to keep the prices close to 6k so expect some adjustments in the near future to rectify the market.
The market was much more stable before the Mission System update though - but all big changes take a while to work out the kinks.
You disgust me. Please think of economics before you post a comment that is entirely unfounded. Currently many players are leaving the game because of D3 or other reasons. These players want ce so they can buy steam games so they sell their gear. People who want to buy their gear need to buy CE which raises the prices. Once these players leave and all their items are sold CE will go down. Next time don't mindlessly post inflammatory comments.
Also to the OP: I don't think that the players who mainly complain about it (f2ps) can make such a huge difference. Some p2ps actually prefer CE to be higher.
this reminds me of our economy today!
PS how do u get your knight pic up on these forums?
Rude but true Asu.
Rude but true...
Anyway, yeah.
Watch us be right like the last 7 times this happened. See you in a week or so, when CE prices drop.
I hate it -_-