Suggestion: All gear should be Lv10, we should have access to Shadow Lair gear

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Alice-In-Pyroland's picture

This seems pretty basic honestly, but the lack of that extra med CTR you get from a weapon being level 10 really effects the viability of a lot of weapons in Lockdown where charge time is crucial and weapons not hitting for their max amount of damage further makes the testing pretty unrealistic compared to the actual server. Besides that I seems weird that we don't get any SL stuff, I see a lot of people using Snarbolax in Lockdown as well as a fair few Ice Queen and Mercurial Demo users, it really doesn't make any sense for this stuff to be excluded on the test server.

It's probably too late in testing for any of these things to be dealt with, but in any future Lockdown tests it would be nice if solutions to these issue could be in place.