The Forums is a Scary Place

37 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Pokenuevo

What are you generally?
-A Troll -4-
-A Hater/Rager -2-
-An Informer (Responding thoroughly and putting in thoughts/facts in posts) -5-
-A Shy Guy (Talking little, but being affluent anyways) -1-
-A Comedic Relief -1-
-A Speaker (Voicing out your opinions, also includes Fan Fic Writers and other arts) -4-
-Viewer -2-
-Other (or a mix) -9-

I shall tally this thread: I'll go first. Anyways, I say the Forums is a scary place with some of the hostility I see, notably towards new players. This thread is just to see what the Forum really is like, to show that we are all half-...erm, a quarter-...erm, somewhat decent human beings (just kidding).

Imagen de Imperialstriker


I'm certain I more often that not fall under lurker.

Imagen de Pokenuevo

I added a group, Viewer, for those who mainly view, looking around. If that doesn't suit you, then I shall change it if you'd like.

Imagen de Shue-Donnym
No subject line spam here, move along

I'm mainly Shyguy. Partly fic-writer and a teeny part of hater.

Imagen de Imperialstriker

That works :)

Though I'm being a little less reclusive as of recent. Eh whatever :)

Imagen de Autofire
Informer I believe thoroughly


I believe thoroughly in countering logic with logic, ideas with ideas, and thoughts with thoughts. It would be nice if we could put something like this under our pictures.

Imagen de Psychodestroyer

I don't think I fit in those categories. I can see myself in almost all of them aside from Shyguy, rager less prominent but still there.

I think I'll go for 'other'.

Imagen de Hochspeyer

I fit in the categories of Jelly Sandwich and Rager.

Jelly Sandwich because I like my sandwiches with a little bit of Jelly King in them

Rager because I believe that the Flourish/Snarble Barb is abused in Lockdown.(The first swipe has too far of a range.)

Imagen de Draycos
I'm the crazy guy that nobody

I'm the crazy guy that nobody likes because he doesn't remember to put in the most important things in his posts.

I'd like to think of myself as the reasonable-response guy, but I've noticed I've acquired a 70% weakness to intelligent people being rude/mean. And then I usually end up saying something stupid because of it.

Imagen de Fehzor
Of those roles I fit into

Of those roles I fit into speaker, for the most part.

Imagen de Pokenuevo

Draycos, I understand what you mean. I'll add you to Informer since you still put thought in posts.

Imagen de Dukeplatypus
Depending on my mood, I'm an

Depending on my mood, I'm an Informer, Shy Guy, or comedic relief. Less often an informer unless I'm at a desktop with a proper keyboard, because being an informer using a touch screen and auto correct is difficult. If not, I'm usually a viewer who might chime in when called.

Imagen de Schattentag
I fit into...


Like Psycho, I fit into all categories (even Shy Guy sometimes, probably). It really depends on the situation at hand.

Imagen de Weegeeftws

I believe I am 'A Speaker' because I do voice my opinions and try to contribute to some threads.
I'm also a 'Hater'... yup, I hate on the 'Ragers' :3

~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee


am everything ... and nothing..

Imagen de Nechrome
Other. I'm the guy who writes


I'm the guy who writes actiony fan-fics, makes suggestion, helps newbies, rages at newbies, gets entertained by trolls, gets really pi$$ed off by people who post incredibly ridiculous/stupid/insulting suggestions (such as blaming the failiure of SK on F2P players and wanting to make Sk a pure P2P game), trolls around, draws art, writes some nice SK poetry, tries to win free stuff from forum stuff, tries to not annoy people like Chris, brightens up rage threads, kills happy threads (okay, maybe not), and spends his time on the forums posting in random threads like this instead of working on his stories and eventually forgetting about doing so completely.

And then some.

Imagen de Kitty-Softpaws
Where does Kitty-Softpaws fit

Where does Kitty-Softpaws fit in into these categories?

Imagen de Myg-Mog

Sigh... I dunno, I don't make threads, but I do post in threads and try to make some constructive criticism while doing so...

...also, I haunt the Gremlin Chatter a lot!

Imagen de Doctorspacebar

I'm mainly a Bomber in game, and have an extensive knowledge of multiple memes, as well as a keen sense of humor. That translates to comic relief. However, I also add my 'serious' thoughts after a post. And I make ginormous suggestion threads every so often. My armor is red and packs inordinate amounts of explosives, and I've fought a madman with a much larger suit of armor than myself. That madman went down because he had a problem with Freezing. The net worth of my items is easily over half a million crowns. In real life, one crown would be a "collector's item", therefore if the net worth of my items in crowns suddenly appeared in real life, they could be sold for more than four thousand dollars each, therefore making me a billionaire.

So that makes me... Iron Man. Now to finish that gigantic tower in the Arcade... y'know, I think I should put "Doctorspacebar" on it in big letters.

Imagen de Gwenyvier
It depends on if you get

It depends on if you get ~Gwen or ~Newg. Same person, just two very different personae that I post as.

Gwen would be an informer.

Newg... Newg is a troll.


Imagen de Amanzi
Hmm... What am I?

Can I be a god?

Imagen de Davjo

Other. because, well, I troll, inform, try to make my fanfic (I SHOULD FINISH CHAPTER 1 ANYTIME HURR) and looking for ppl to write my knight.
So yeah, a mix and other.

Imagen de Daarke

I'm a innovator, so other?

Imagen de Bigfootm
What Dark Ritual?

The Haters section already won, Batabii counts as 50 per vote someone else makes.

Imagen de Kraanx
yay, my number is 3

yay, my number is 3

Imagen de Jennytheturtle
I'm an other I've posted some

I'm an other
I've posted some of my ideas on suggestions and I like to tell other people my opinions on the subject at hand.


Me, probably viewer/lurker whatever, too lazy to post often...

Imagen de Weegeeftws

You watch us while we peacefully post... WHAT SORT OF MONSTER ARE YOU?!?!? O.e

EDIT: I also love how nobody is under comic relief. We need a clown up in here people!

~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

Imagen de Iskender
Real trolls don't out

Real trolls don't out themselves.

Imagen de Pokenuevo

It's fairly obvious who the trolls are when they comment ;)

Imagen de Raisinfist

Probably an informer, but not one of the 'movethissubjecttoanotherfreakingsubsectionoftheforum police'.

Human nature -> Trolls in forums and hostility in general.
Animal nature -> Trolls under bridges and hostility in general.
Forum nature -> lolwut?

Imagen de Shidara
My standpoint

I see myself as a speaker. I speak my mind whenever I feel like it, but I also like to be an informant when necessary. But for the most part, I just let my voice be heard, and hope it serves any significance.

Imagen de Tersakaff

All of those, more or less, save for shy guy.

Imagen de Jmsa

Comedic relief and Shyguy, for the most part. >.>

Imagen de Alynn
Category #9

A rage fueling guy

Imagen de Neinhart

Part Speaker, part informer

Imagen de Rangerwillx

I guess I'd be a speaker/informer/troll.
And sometimes comedic relief. And I do observe a lot of threads..
Pretty much everything except a hater and a shy guy..though I am more of a informer/speaker then the other things.
I troll at foolish, foolish, people.

Imagen de Trydeth

See, I have a unique title. I am the kiss of death. Any time I comment on something, it has a habit of dying out soon after. Rarely will a thread last after I've made my mark.