Now that the trade channel is broadcasted over all instances of haven, it is completely overrun by sellers spamming the channel none stop. This goes to the extreme that at sometimes it is just not possible to read all chat messages. However, until the auction house arrives (which might be a while) we have to cope.
Luckily, at most times, most of the trade noise is caused by a few very loud individuals. This is easy enough to deal with. Just /ignore them. After ignoring the most vocal 5 to 6 sellers, trade chat returns to an somewhat managable state. Note that since the people spamming the channel were total d***heads in the first place, you are not missing out on much anyway.
Currently, whenever I see somebody repeating the same message over and over, even before the last one scrolled of the screen, I add them to my ignore list. Same goes for people using all caps or lots of special characters in their advertising. At the moment my trade channel has returned to a readable pace. It is still very busy, but at least I'm not getting the same message over and over again.
If more people start doing this, they will not only be helping theirselves, but at some point it will start as a determent to traders trying to spam, since ending up on everybody's ignore list is very bad for business.
We could have seperate buyers / sellers / traders channels? Depending on my own resources, I'm either looking for one or the other, but usually not all three at once. If you're into wheeling and dealing, it wouldn't be that hard to join all of them.