Since I've started playing well over a year ago, I've achieved quite a lot ingame. I've done nearly every piece of PvE and PvP content available, and have become proficient at them. My arsenal is essentially complete, and I don't want any additional pieces of gear. Now, I'm not sure what to do in this game. I now have all the things I wanted to have when I started, and have done the things I wanted to do. Things are starting to get a bit boring now, and my performance is restricted more by my extreme lag than a lack of skill on my part, making pvp lose much of it's appeal.
So, any recommendations for what I should do next? I'm really at a loss, because nothing in the game seems to be particularly interesting or challenging anymore.
How about a challenge like the Lumber Challenge?
Or maybe a few quick runs in the Arcade?
Or some Gauntlet?
Maybe all the Shadow Lairs?