If every player that saw you, gave you 100 cr?
How rich would you be?
This is a rather philosophical question, answer as how you interpret it.
If every player that saw you, gave you 100 cr?
How rich would you be?
This is a rather philosophical question, answer as how you interpret it.
I'm not giving you 100 Crowns every time I see you, Daarke.
You know, it's strange how in all my PUG runs for a year now, I've YET to meet up with the same people again. 20% is I'll never meet them again & 80% is I'll keep meeting new people, regardless of Tier.
hi daarke this is my new new account and you are friends with me in my other account
Kitty has seemed to grasp the philosophy of this question. Well done.
Forget Crowns, can't everyone just give me cheese?
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
@Balderus So long and thanks for all the fish!
@Daarke Even with Kitty's interpretation of the question, it being a function of the percentages of people you'll see again, that does not change the fact that it is still a numerical question, rather than philosophical.
That being said, it is an excellent question, and I would laugh very hard if someone took the time to actually calculate it.
i think he means rich, as in rich in experience, not rich in money. But then again, i wouldnt mind 100cr from everyone. O wait, I do mind......those trade requests would drive me insane lol.
You wouldn't be any rich since you would have to give them 100 CR to them also.
Its nice to see everyone thinking about this question, and exploring the possibilities and situations of this question. This question has many right answers, and can be interpreted in many ways and fashions of perceptions and deductive skills. It kinda shows a lil bit of what kind of person you are. I have to say this a clever ploy of psychology....
If I run into any of the commenters of this while I do a run, I will give them 100 cr. Note: I don't get off work till 11:30 PM EST.
AND I will be doing Cradle and All challenges through any gate for the rest of the week so if you want to bump into me, you're gonna have to do Arcade. :P
1. login
2. go to haven 1
3. tell them to make a line trading 100cr
4. ????
5. profit
if that were to happen you just travel from haven to haven collecting cr the auction house and then u make 100-100000000000000 cr (jk)
Well for one, I wouldn't ever get anywhere in terms of items, and for another, I could never satisfy the insatiable appetite of the beggars. I'd probably get tired of playing the game without a steady stream of new items, and leave, and life would go on and people would still ask for free crap and no one would care.
I see a good 50-100 people every time I log on, so that'd be about 5-10K every time I played. I usually run FSC at most once a day, usually not even that any more. So yeah, I'd definitely lose moneys at a substantial rate.
It would probably get me quite a few "friends" though, people trying to milk me for their daily 100 cr, but then I already get that... people trying to milk me for help on missions, friending me without even meeting me etc. I usually don't have a problem with them though, as I like running missions with people... as long as I've spoken to them a teensy bit to know that they aren't going to quit and fill up my already saturated friends list.
this is in no way a philosophical questions. Its a mathematical and numerical question.