To do Snarby, RT with bombs only?
Is it possible?

Hmm, that may just be something I'll have to try out sometime. It would be rather difficult, considering that you have a very small firing window, with both the bell, and the creature itself, but it should work theoretically.
RT would be slightly easier to time, (though more difficult in other aspects) considering the fact that you will have some fore-warning of when a damage opportunity is coming up.
That being said, the biggest issue i see with doing either of these is simply getting to the boss, since you need to carry your equipment through the entire stratum first. The only way I could see this working is if you brought gear that is several stars higher than the requirements for the tier of the boss.

Roarmulus Twins not possible with bombs? WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED OF THIS SOONER.
Snarb is much easier though, especially with a graviton....

I may make a video of this later, but today I ran Roarmulus Twins using just an Electron Bomb (4*) and a Blast Bomb (2*), wearing full Heavy Demo (4*). My only UV is Curse High on my Heavy Demo Helm (irrelevant), and I think I died twice or so.

I have done snarby with only my Firecracker. Sure my firecracker has a CTR VH but still, takes a while.
Now that you mention it I may have to try RT with it. I have tried JK but I died on the second depth and at the time I really couldn't be bothered x)
It's possible. Yes.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
Why wouldn't it be? It would just take a while.