Every time i see it, i flash back to the first time i ever saw that movie...and now i must ask you, OOO...is the magic hood set inspired by jawas? And are there other cinema inspired items?
GMs, my curiosity has the best of me... Was this inspired?
Jeez, I thought I was the only person in the entire game that thought of jawas whenever I saw someone using a hood...
I don't really have any other ideas as to possible inspiration, but some items make references to movies. The voltedge makes a reference to Back to the Future in its description, the gigawatts. I remember Sentenza also makes a movie reference; I forget what the movie was though.
And, as you may know, it spans past movies to things like Troikas being named after folk dances. There's an entire page on references on the wiki somewhere...
The chapeaus look almost like V from V for Vendetta
Ranging from jawas, to the fabled gremlin on the side of the plane, to references from movies, dances, and others, just how much of this game is a collection of those good old times?
Nope, it's just a coincidence. I'm actually not a Star Wars fan. I've never seen the original trilogy, just bits and pieces! I did have a rancor toy growing up though, was super cool.
Aw. It looks so similar! It's one of my favorite helm lines too.
Thank you for the reply!
For his birthday, we must get him the complete star wars saga.
I've seen the new trilogy, (ugh) does that count?
inb4 angry mob of SK Star Wars nerds comes and burns Nick-sama on a giant wooden... Lightsaber?
I thought I was the only one who'd only seen the new garbage ones and not the original ones... I am most pleased. c: #notalone
I saw the new ones (minus Episode II) before the old ones. I still liked the old ones better. The plot of the new ones completely flew over my head, and the dialogue was so terrible that my friends invented a drinking game for Episode II while they were still watching it in the theater: take a shot every time Anakin uses a pick-up line on Padme.
I think Sentenza was a character from 'The good, The bad And The ugly' If I remember correctly.
And I thought Nick was supposed to be a nerd, like us. Oh well.
Nick nick nick, inspiration is found in everything. Watch the old ones, and see if you can come up with some awesome new content
I like that movie "The good, The Bad and the Ugly"
Since You're a star wars fan. (Which I am to)
There could be A nice Darth Vader Costume in this game :)
The Magic Hood line always reminded me of the Black Mage class from the Final Fantasy: Tactics games for GBA. Probably because of the "magic user with glowy eyes" thing.
Nicely done, Damien, I never thought of this before, but now it all makes sense. The Jawas taught the Gremlins how to build the clockworks! Why else would they be so into reusing old junky constructs.
"Hey, this R2 unit has a bad motivator!"