I noticed on the wiki that the Chaos set (http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Chaos_Cowl & http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Chaos_Cloak) makes you more vulnerable to every status effect. That seems to be a pretty big disadvantage. Why would you want to use this set?
Chaos set?
There's no reason to use this set for anything other than cosmetics at this point.
I'm not sure it being better than another bad set is a good thing.
I guess I'm just curious as to why it's in the game if it's basically just a 5* cosmetic set.
Honestly the resistances aren't a big thing. It stops you from getting affected by those afflictions, but as long as you're blocking it's never an issue. Usually in tier 3 everything will affect you with some status ailment, and without a hefty amount of resistance to that specific type you're going to get it (like being set on fire, or poisoned), so this "penalty" isn't really a penalty at all.

I've said it before, and here it is again:
90% of the items in this game are costume.
Feynt, resists not only prevent you from getting the effect, they reduce the severity and duration.
Negative fire resist is a big deal. You catch fire more easily, take more damage from each tick, tick more often, and the effect stays on you longer for even more ticks.
@Feynt - This penalty IS actually a penalty, for the major status effects such as fire or shock. Shock resistance/weakness affects how many ticks you take when shocked; Having weakness to it would be deadly, since paralyzing ticks would come much more often. And as FossaFerox said, fire weakness would cause you to take much more damage than usual.
For the other status effects, weakness isn't as bad, but it is a big deal for those two major ones.
And as a note, a low bonus would be 10 to 30 extra points of damage on T3. Considering you're dealing 150 - 350 with swords, and 70 - 200 with guns, this bonus is really minimal. On a gun, (Prefferably Autoguns or Antiguas, where it'd have the most effect, I believe) it'd make killing what, one hit faster to kill a monster. On swords? I don't think there would be any actual change in the amount of hits needed to kill common mobs. Bombs? Not much different from swords, though bombs aren't for damage dealing, usually!
Even if you used the whole set, and got a medium, it would still be just 20 - 60 (possibly slightly harder - never did actual testing on this one) extra damage. This would make it an extra hit faster, and would probably have SOME effect on swords, but... There's no point, considering the low defense and weaknesses. Chaos set IS useless.
I always wondered if the resistances had any effect on the severity of the ailment. I never really noticed a difference, and figured it just affected your chances of being affected by it (so less chance of being set on fire, but still a chance, and it sucks as bad).

The only status resist that won't come back to bite you particularly hard if you go into the negatives is Stun.
Mostly because Stun isn't that big a deal unless you're doing Vanaduke.
Honestly if they made the damage bonuses Medium instead of Low? This set would be Hardcore, it would be the set for manly manly men LOL maybe just counteract the fire resist with some trinkets.
Because it looks sweet.
...Okay, honestly? I have no idea. Grey feather shows every sign of being better, with the notable exception of stun.
(I'll be wearing a grey feather hood at 5 stars - but my armor is UV-stun-resistant, so I'm covered on that).