I was wondering about the presence of materials on the market. They are a third side in the cr-ce equation. Do you think that limiting their drop rate could improve the market condition?
Should the materials be less common?
Well... you are right... I guess I was just hoping that materials could become something that one actually finds worth of keeping and hunting for. I fail to recall the last time I was happy about finding a piece of material.

The point of materials is to craft gear, not to make a profit off of others. Just collect them, and then when you need to make an item, you will have the required material. If you happen to come across one or more your excited about, and that may be rare, sell it for a profit. Just don't expect that making a material rare will automatically get you more money. Remember, there are players that have thousands of most materials.
Also, any money you get for selling a material is automatic profit anyway, since you found it in a level.
If your not finding exciting materials, go to new stratum types, or pick a material to get excited about. Get a new recipe that has a trojan horseshoe, or shadow steel, or any other less common material, and then go and hunt for it.
Limiting the drop rate would be rather annoying. I don't want to get excited every time I see a drop, but rather every time I see a good drop. For example; I love finding Chroma tears... not sure why, but they're fun to find. Limiting would also make leveling up even slower, and it's already pathetically slow. 300 hours, and still in 4 star gear... and only 12 items in 4 star...

just keep it in your arsenal, hoard it, and use it when you need it (and when you get 20 of the tokens found in clockworks, buy a 5* material, sell for a 2-3K profit)
I do not want the materials to become another equivalent of cr just like minerals. I was just wondering if materials could be a viable side in cr vs ce conflict. It could positively influence the market if it was more diverse.

material market is crazy, some low star mats cost a lot whiile the five star matcs can be worthless
sure high star mats drop rarer while low star drop more common, but when more ppl do same run (fsc for example) the mats from that run are more common overall so price drops
the thing that is strange is mission material drop, high star mats drop from mission like crazy
but well, im sure that OOO love how the materials price drop, this way players earn less and less so in order to amass crowns (to buy somethig expensive) its getting more and more tempting to swing their credit card and buy cce for $$. OOO loves to take away oppurtunities to earn extra money (destroying recipes market, destroying weapon crafting market), they will take care of mats too, sooner or later

I remember shelling out nearly 10k for a Flame Soul way back in the day. When I saw your inventory, Pawed, I nearly died, then remembered how much they're worth today...
Man, I bought two for 250 the other day.
It'd be nice if there were more types of uses for materials, not just for prestige missions but ... something.

Sun Silvers used to go for 20k a piece...lol. Those were the days. ;)
I made a post about this a few months back suggesting that, instead, the crafting process could use substantially more materials, with the option to use even more to increase the chances of specific UVs. The value of those flame souls would go up substantially if adding them to a Wolver coat build increased the probability of getting a good Fire Resist UV by a percent or so.
I would like the materials not to be another cr equivalent. I think they may become a valid currency by themselves just like cr and ce.

While I think the market for materials absolutely sucks, I don't feel like simply slashing the drop rates wouldn't allow the market to permanently recover. The main problem, that I am aware of, is the fact that once you have the 5* sets you need, you have no use for the materials you get, yet you still get a lot of them. There needs to be a larger material sknk. Prestige missions are a start, but they only affect the prices of a couple materials every day. We need things like Loest suggested with using materials to increase chances of specific UVs. Some other things that could be used to aid in the material sink are gear repair, keys for certain bonus rooms taking materials to craft, or temporary 'buff' capsules you can craft that increase your stats for a short period of time. Drop rate cuts would help too, but that alone wouldn't be enough.

Man, I can't believe some people...
I get quite pleased whenever I find a Green Shard, Monster Bone, Bushy Tail, Warp Dust, and most valuable 5 star materials (Sun silver, Shadow Steel, Primal Ore, Philoso Feather, Spark of Life)
Since I like to fiddle in multiple markets, those are the most stable and reliable to make good profits off of.
But yes, do NOT cut the material drop rate, it'd make the game more of a grind fest, and that's the last thing we need.

It would be nice if like Loest said, the more materials you put into making your item, the higher chance at a UV you get.
Definitely cap how much you can add, though.

Well it is part of the market, just it isn't a big enough part of the market.
The exceptions though to most of what has been said are the Shadow Lair materials. I've seen those go from 7k to over 40k. Get some Celestial Ore, and you're lucky to make over 9k crowns (*insert meme here*). Gremlonium however is worth so much that, if you sell it, the resulting profit exceeds the cost of the Key (450CE per player, ~35k for Gremlonium, when CE price is at an average 7.5k that is about 460CE per Gremlonium).
Also, a lot of the materials people need to ragecraft tend to go for a lot. The biggest example I can think of are Monster Bones. Those go for ~200, because they are used in Wolver armor and Brandishes.
I've seen material prices go up and down dramatically (Ghost Bells used to be like 2.5k crowns for 10 Grim Sparks, now they're barely going for 1k). I've seen them be affected a lot by patches, but they tend to be detached from the crown/CE price.
What exactly is bad about the market condition?
They're already rare-ing some materials now by prestige missions asking for them. Watch the prices go up and down when those missions roll into sight and out, it's funny.
I don't think I need more than 30cr each for my red shards. And that nobody likes blaze pepper is probably caused by people doing a lot of farming for cash runs where you get tons of them.
How about something fun to do with the badly selling materials; pick one and collect it, then cash it in all at once.
I'm going for 100000 brute core, because they don't sell well at all. And they're pretty. (My evil plan to get stinking rich and Take Over The World. Muhahaha.)