Well i am from Greece and i noticed many of the Admins' Names are greek(from our ancient history and mythology)like Poseidon,Aphrodite,Eyridice etc.Is there a reason?Are you from Greece too?
About admin names..

We're actually an international team. We think it's good to have a theme (so, for instance, you know that the guy named "Spiralknightsadmin" is not actually a Spiral Knights admin), and Greek mythology is both really interesting and has a plethora of suitable names.

Sort of like how whirled has geological and weather-based themes. The admins of their whirled game are Vortex, Sunshine, Equinox, Coriolis, etc.

There you go. That has all the info we have on the GMs... excluding that Njthug is both Eurydice and Vanaduke. (Eury is so going to beat me...)

Poseidon is my god. Only he matters.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight WeeGee

"for instance, you know that the guy named "Spiralknightsadmin""
That name is MINE!
...When I get around to actually making a useable alt...

One from the Titans post in my topic!!!!I understand you! i like mythology too!This time i picked from Norse mythology...Its good thing that foreign people know about our culture.I am trying the same :)
A lot of the GMs also work as GMs (or have, in the past, worked as GMs) for the game Puzzle Pirates and all GMs over there are named after Greek gods.