Take a look at this, and you'll see what I mean.
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Take a look at this, and you'll see what I mean.
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The original plan was that it would have nine seals on it and using it would break each seal one by one. Once it was free of seals, you could either turn it into an Avenger or Gran Faust via a random element in the Clockworks. This all changed a long time ago when alchemy became a part of the design.
Hm, do you have a pic of the old one?
Althought I cant say it was exactly like it is now, sealed always had small wraps or at least that sort of aura with seals falling. The green glow only covered it.
Wiki has a an old but small pic of it.
... Kind of depressing when a GM answers someone elses question about an item, and not yours.
I'll just leave this here <_< *cough nick look! cough*
The original plan was that it would have nine seals on it and using it would break each seal one by one. Once it was free of seals, you could either turn it into an Avenger or Gran Faust via a random element in the Clockworks. This all changed a long time ago when alchemy became a part of the design.
Wow, almost like leveling up a Magneton or Nosepass in Mt. Coronet. That sounds very interesting.
Aw, man! It would have been awesome to have something like that in-game! I mean, the alchemy system is nice, but having every single upgradeable weapon controlled by it is... kind of bland. The way Shadow Lairs work kind of reminds me of the original concept.
Honestly, I'd love to see a weapon that gets stronger over time that doesn't involve crafting/alchemy; some sort of weapon that requires a huge heat level to get to full potential. (Wait a minute, that'd work perfectly for things like the Almirian Crusader set!)
What do you suppose the story is on the "bandages" that wrap around the sealed sword and before the re-design was falling off of the sword floating around? I think it's the same "bandage/sign" stapled to some lumber's faces. I figured there must be a connection between this as the zombies in the shadow lair, if I recall correctly, also has it stapled to their faces.
Always kind of looked like a Chinese death money or sign to me....made me think SK borrowed some of the Chinese Mythos because of that. Zombies jumping.....that's a Chinese Zombie thing originally too.
The paper seals are very much like a Jiang Shi's paper seal or any other East Asian-inspired paper seals. The use of them on the lumber is no coincidence either. Ever notice that their spawn-in sound effect is a kabuki theater-style woodblock?
I've recognised the paper seal on the Lumbers and SS (a product of watching a healthy amount of anime). Indeed, I was googling to find a page about it but I lacked the proper nouns and knowledge of Shintoism to find the right wikipedia page. -_-'
But now that you mention it, the Lumbar spawn noise does sound like that, neat. Also, I think 80+% of the folks here will not get that reference.
Nick, could you please answer my question on the magic hood series?
Thats very interesting, Nick. It'd been cooler if you'd gone through with it.
And for those of you asking about the "addition of bandages", the bandages were always there. They just weren't as visible before they patched out the green aura. There were still pieces of paper flying about it before it became like it is.
I'd always just figured the paper seals on the lumbers were some sort of Phylactery, though I guess that's not far off.
I love the range of influences in the things in SK!
Psycho, i think they want SS zombie stickers instead of alchemy to upgrade o.o
Wait, Lumbers had zombie stickers? Curse zombie face seals kinda remind me of the stickers.
I miss the old sealed sword that was green. :x
Hmm....very interesting. I guess my original thought of the paper falling off the sealed sword as Chinese Death Money was incorrect but close. I looked up the Chinese Seal which are common on Chinese envelopes and such and yeah it's much more fitting visually with the paper falling off the sealed sword.....not to mention they're actually called "seals", lol. Apparently these seals are "Stamps" used in lieu of signatures....which begs to question who's signature is on the seals of the sealed sword? Also who's seals are on the Lumbers and Shadow Lair Zombies? Hope you guys got that planned into the storyline of SK and it's not just a graphic aesthetic.
I looked up the Jiang Shi (Chinese Zombies), yeah those are the guys I was thinking of. Google image search shows a bunch of Jiang Shi with paper on their faces with Chinese characters on them. The only reference I could find in the wikipedia article regarding the paper is from the films with the Jiang Shi in them. Apparently the use of the paper is: "jiangshi can be put to sleep by putting a piece of yellow paper with a spell written on it on their foreheads". Yeah, those Shadow Lair zombies don't look like they're asleep....so I guess the paper tack to their faces is somebody's seal of ownership or spell of some sort.
Got to say, nice touch if it's more than just aesthetics.
1) So does Kisame's sword in Naruto and Ichigo's sword in Bleach and probably a few more, but I only checked the first page of a google search.
2) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081005173613AA7Ig6o
3) Back in January or so, the Sealed Sword line got a redesign to look like what it does today. It used to glow green and wasn't wrapped.