When im trying to sell a sword etc. for someone it always say that its bound to me :S
What can i do?
Why i can't sale things (swords,guns) in-game?
If you have used the item before i.e: If you try to sell a item with a level 5 heat its unsellable and cant be traded. If you want to sell a item I advise you craft a new item or visit Vise in the bazaar, he'll unbind a previously used item (resetting its heat level back to 1) for a price (which varies depending on the stars)
I hope this Helps!
You can, however, sell any bound item to a vendor if the item is not currently equipped. I don't do this for anything but 1* items because vendors pay %$*& for stuff
You can, however, sell any bound item to a vendor if the item is not currently equipped. I don't do this for anything but 1* items because vendors pay %$*& for stuff
Certain types of items, such as those gained from boss tokens or from missions, are bound to you. If you equip a weapon in your loadout, it also becomes bound. If an item is bound, it cannot be sold to other players on the AH, or traded. If you want, you can visit Vise in the Bazaar, and he will unbind the item for a price. However, if it is a relatively cheap item (3 stars or below), you should just craft another one. It would be much cheaper
Also, as this is a question about a basic function in the game, it belongs in the New Recruits section of the Forums. I suggest you move it there
This thread is full of fail double-posts. Learn to use the "Edit" button on your posts.
instead of filling the thread with more useless crap, why dont you think for a bit? if they edited their post, it would still be there, just not a clone.
@OP the only real reason you would need to unbind an item is if it has a good UV that others would want, because most higher star items cost more to unbind, then you get from selling them. and if its a 0-3 star item, then the standard price would be low anyway, because those dont require unbinding to sell
Well, you might know that the reason you cant trade them to other players/post on AH (Auction house) is because its binded to you which happens when you either equip it or when there are special conditions like the weapons and gears you get from trading tokens.
To unbind them, you need CE (Crystal energy) Although you can combine your ME (Mist energy) to lower the cost of the CE as well. The unbinder 'Vise'
can unbind your items for these following prices:
1* = 100 CE
2* = 200 CE
3* = 600 CE
4* = 1800 CE
5* = 4000 CE
Although, there are somethings that cant be unbinded like the following. They are all form the DLC set called "OCH" (Operation crimson hammer)
Warmaster rocket hammer (5*)
Dark retribution (5*)
Stable rocket hammer (3*)
Dark reprisal Mk II (3*)
Prototype rocket hammer (1*)
Dark reprisal (2*)
***Note that the craftable "Mask's of seerus's" are able to be unbinded but the mask fragments after defeating seerus isnt tradeble like other mats***
Hope that helped :)
Go to the Vise and unbind it for a price of 4000 ce, if its 5*