I finally have all tier 2 stuff and so once i get to tier 2 i can just keep comin' back. So i want a party that can help me get there/ work with me. I son't want to have to try it twice because that means 2 days!!! so ya we could either do it tonight or tomorrow, but if this fails miserably then i will just go with a random party and hope for the best.
(getting to) Tier 2!!!
You will have much more success in tier 2 if you go into it with higher skills, not just higher gear. To that end, I also recommend trying to reach Moorcroft Manor solo. It may take a few tries, but the profits will be good and the skills you will learn (especially how enemies react to you and when to shield versus dodge) will make tier 2 far easier for you, because it does get harder as you get deeper.
im having trouble with the jk ive beat him about 3 times i dies againast him about 10 times.thats y im getting defensive armour and im taking 1 bombmer with me.u should use a shockburst brandish for great paralyzing skills then bring an ice bomb.reason y is cuz i wanna win tokens for the pizes
best bet is to find a guild who is active enough and that does daily jk runs so u can start saving cr to craft or buy new weapons and reach t3. gonna take a little while, or if u dont want a guild random pugs are still good enough to get to jk cause at least one of the party just be skilled enough to get to jk fairly easily. uber, friend me if u want and i can take you through some runs .
@ superman jk isnt that tough just timing it right, u need to save the curse and poison vials you collect throughout the clockworks leading up to jk , wouldnt worry about bombing him too much as he will heal quickly if you dont keep focus on him. you need to alternately hit him twice depending on sword and range the shield until after he attks while throwing poison so he cant heal, have one person focus on minis if you want while other three focus solely on jk... if ur still havin trouble friend me in game and i will take you on some jk runs to show you how i do it
(ign) - wutzcrack3n
You can tell it's a necro when the OP has a legacy username.
if you have a gunner set up, then use the antiuua or better. ONLY during the boss, the minies die in one hit and you can rapid fire them with minimal damage when u get better only use charge attacks.
Woah woah woah WHAT!
Did you honestly suggest the Antigua Line against JELLIES? What! That is possibly the worst idea! And you are suggesting charge attack spam with the Antigua line?
No. If you are going to bring a rapid fire weapon, bring a Pepperbox and just set everything on fire. If you want many small things dead, the Pulsar line is there for you with good rate of fire and large aoe.
Gunners should bring a Toxic Catalyzer and Kilowatt Pulsar. If they want they can throw a Shadowtech Alchemer in there too. That is all they need.
Umbra driver > toxic catalyzer.
But that's based a lot on style preference. Charging, blowing stuff up with mobile blast cubes, or just straight out dps.
No no no, don't recommend pulsar for elemental sidearm. Alchemers for elmental dps. Unless its for fsc soloing/turret control. Turret control, not dps.
Personally I think the Pulsar gets a horrible reputation from people who don't know how to use it. In the right hands it can push back and flatten an advancing horde of enemies. In the wrong hands it destroys the team via blinding annoyances and unpredictable knockback.
I recommend the pulsar specifically for the JK because there are only two enemies you SHOULD be using the Pulsar on: Lumbers and Gun Puppies.
You cannot deny that the Pulsar out-dps the Alchemer lines against Gun Puppies, and a lot of times all you need to do is knock a Lumber away to be dealt with later (or knocked into a corner to disappear in several flashes of blue-ish green light).
And then the Toxic Catalyzer is more there for Poison than anything else. Shadowtech works too, but I have more fun with the Catalyzer so it's more personal preference IMO.
If you are going past the JK, then yes, an Alchemer is a worthy investment. However, the Alchemers dont truley shine until you hit the Drivers (4*). Even then, I still feel like the pulsar still has its major uses that people disregard because of its bad rep.
I hate it when people use pulsars on lumbers. I'd be standing behind, cutting it to pieces. Then some pulsar balls come up and switches our position. Was i in my second swing because I thought i was safe? Derp, lumber to the face. This just makes me switch to my gun, sit back, and watch pulsar fireworks. Lumbers are not a good pulsar target. You can't interrupt it. And that's the reason people use it on turrets. Not because it does more damage, but it stops turrets from firing. That's as team friendly as a polars can get.
Go ahead and spam it on turrets, all turrets, and only turrets. Why does polaris out dps alchemers on turrets? Because the knockback won't push it away from the other shots coming from behind.
I disagree...
However yes, it is really easy to be annoying with it, and most people don't bother thinking before spamming it. The most prominent example of this is when there are sword users trying to melee the target of the Polaris. In which case, said person is giving the Polaris a bad name.
But I digress, you are right in most cases, and I'll stop arguing with you now about something I somewhat agree with.
To be honest rj is super easy,I start solo it. since I got my dusker sets.its really hard find a good pary so if I'm you I will choose to solo .
wen i made it to tier 2 my friend gave me thse tips:First never run away fr4om enymies in zig zags only in straight line or circles.Next always carry your items to the next stage of the level it will help ALOT!!!!!.bring attackive armour thats what armour u should use for jk.next i would bring a shockburst or an iceburst.next dont try to keep hitting a big opponent always start with a charge hit then move away from him .next always go with a group for more cash and prizes and such.next always try to get ur enymies bunched together.next take out hardest first.next i would join a guild just incase i lose soemone from my party.im a tier 2 and im usinf an attackive shield,armour,helm and sword.im thinking of either getting an ice bomb or using the stick bomb.
Let the ancient thread die.
Your "tips" are show that you don't know how to spell and that you are so new that you don't even know equipment names.
If all comes to worst, just solo your way to it. That's how I did it, at first, i actually soloed my way up to moorcraft manor only wearing 2 *2 gears. (Wolver cap and calibur). Then, I did it again once I had salvaged the rest of my equips. Its not hard, as long as you avoid recklessly diving into mobs. When I went solo, I was definitely more careful and i utilized my gun (voltech alchemer) a lot more often to avoid getting hit. I made it down to moorcraft manor without a death wearing a wolver cap, coat, owlite shield, caliibur, and voltech alchemer. you can do it for sure too, just believe in yourself. :) of course, you could do it in a party also