-Subjects of general interest regarding Spiral Knights.
-Subjects regarding you personally. We don't care.
-Subjects of general interest regarding Spiral Knights.
-Subjects regarding you personally. We don't care.
Perhaps we should move this to suggestions?
Perhaps we should move this to graveyard?
GM's are very active when it comes to controlling forums. You can easily imagine that any thread lasting in general discussion is simply in its righteous place. Am I right? As far as I'm concerned it's never been an user's duty to judge wether a thread belongs here or not, so why not just keep it down and get over it?
- question about game, how xxx works, how you do yyy, what to do with zzz, New Recruits is for asking questions about game
Post about things to discuss in general in the General Discussion forums! Now, how hard was that?
This is not a suggestion
This is an expression of frustration towards all the self-centered topics
And I believe it concerns the most of us
Unless you like to know that x or y has a [DATA EXPUNGED].
I strongly agree with Tersakaff, but the people who need attention will seek it anyway, so the best we can do is ignore them.
Think about it: Someone posts a "I'm quitting" thread, and gets no replies. That would be so sweet.
Have you happened to think yet your thread might be just one of those self-centered topics as well? Far from me the idea to disappoint you but hey, this is a forum, what did you expect? The fight you're trying to lead is as hopeless as issues such as beggars, CE complaining threads or reproaches-on-game-management-threads. It's the internet world. It's mankind.
Maybe you should move this to Gremlin Chatters
*scratches head*
Actually, yeah, kinda, it does belong in Gremlin Chatter, but here too.
And lol no, I'm not the only one pissed off by this. I haven't stated in the OP "omgg i haet ppl whp post topics about dem so much1!!1!1" instead, I have posted a short Yes/No.
How to be a jackass:
- Be a hypocrite
- Try to pretend you were trolling the whole time
no cursed words remember?
"And lol no, I'm not the only one pissed off by this. I haven't stated in the OP "omgg i haet ppl whp post topics about dem so much1!!1!1" instead, I have posted a short Yes/No."
Are you saying that's what you are currently thinking but you simply turned it in a way more compliant to your "beliefs" concerning SK forums? I'm sorry, but that does sound definitely hypocrite regarding to the few posts of yours I've seen in these forums so far.
no cursed words remember?
Wow can you, I don't know...
Get lost?
*awkwardly scratches head*
I'm afraid I didn't quite understand that Pieda. :p
How did this turn into a flame thread so fast? And it didn't even involve CE or weapon nerfs....
Anyway, I agree. I hate it when people post the wrong thing in General Discussion, and I think Tersakaff did indeed put this in the right forum.
Don't worry, I can't fathom what Pieda was saying either
This thread's subject is not in the general interest regarding Spiral Knights