As the title says, the 'Start Mission' box is Locked while the icon of the mission isn't grey. Also, there are 2 checkboxes above the start mission button which are uncheked but cannot be checked as well.
Thanks for any help!
Cannot start mission "time to get crafty"
The hardest thing to get hold of to make them is Brimstone. Go to the AH.
Cant people pay attention to the mission text?
It clearly says
"Bosco would like you to alchemize a Hot Edge and Frost Gun for him to inspect."
And then it repeats, in bright yellow letters
"Alchemize a Hot Edge and Frost Gun and turn it in for inspection."
It's not so hard to figure what's mising.
I am bored of reading this LOL, i am not interested to the story line, I just wanted to play.
Thanks :D
Ok, I did it :D
It isn't so obvious though where you should go. Can I have a map or something?
The mission immediately before it tells you where to go while giving you the recipes -_-
The mission immediately before it tells you where to go while giving you the recipes -_-
There isn't really a need...
The missions, if you READ the text, will often put you right in front of wherever you need to go.
Missions were introduced specifically to give new players a framework for learning the game --- a progression of baby steps, leading from ignorance to expertise. It does require a tiny amount of reading, though.
Where it gave you a hot edge and frost gun recipe. Get the materials. I'll mail it to you if you want. I have 1000 pointless red shards, light shards, etc... Either way, you need to craft both and you will get a UV added to both
I dislike the "Noob" assumption. Stupid people come in noob and experienced varieties in equal proportion.
Lol I was gonna comment on this thread with 'Noobs...' and then I find my post here with pretty much the exact same thing mentioned. xD
i want to start it and I have both weapons just wont let me start. any help?!?!??!?1 WHAT THE F****** HECK IS THATS S******* NOOB ALWAY ASK TO GET EVERYTHHING EXPLAINNED WHY THE SKIP THEI F*********ING MISSIONS THE LITTLE B*********
/E suicide.
I have that same problem, except crafting them doesn't work, unless once you equip it then un-equip it then you can't use it still.
You don't have a Frost Gun and Hot Edge...