1. How hard is it? I'm probably gonna be soloing it because I highly doubt there are many people still playing it.
2. How long is it/How much Energy will all the lifts cost?
3. Can you sell the reward items? (I only really want the Bomb, the Hammer doesn't really interest me and an extra 35,000 crowns would always be welcome)
4. How do you get the masks?
1. T3 OCH is pretty hard from what i heard, even comparable to SL
2. http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Operation_Crimson_Hammer
3. You can sell mask, its tradeable. Bomb and hammer are not tradeable (dont know if they are sellable to vendors).
4. You get a part of mask every time you defat boss. In order to make full mask you must defat boss several times.