-Hi every 1. Im kyored.
-This game is going down real quick since D3 came out. I saw alot OP player quitted : exxiled,sussertod,cocosnake,etc.....
-And now my gm Rhip is quit too. Do u guys think Sk getting bore ? that the question im alway confused
-Rhip is great person,tough,and hard to troll even i cheat and troll her sometime, but i respect her like a gm. I made her mad sometime , being a
dumbass with her. I feel so bad cuz she leaving right now . My best memories of me with her is doing Gvg, joined Oov, do run, joking around. Our
guild will still strong nothing falling apart like ppl said before.
Hope u have a good life, enjoy ur game, and take care rhip. (marisa)
meh, Rhip was bound to leave anyway, call it a gut feeling....speaking of which, i'm gonna go eat something....