I'd like to know what the advantages of solo play are.
To do boss runs as solo play means that you're strong and having a lot of skill, I know about that.
But what are the "physical" advantages? Does a solo play make more crowns than a party play? Does a solo play make more heats than a party play?
So, what are the advantages of solo play?

easier monsters(less hp), less ppl to annoy you in various ways while you play

I usually like teams, but on more than one occasion I have been kicked from parties because I refused to revive people that were dying nonstop and just finished the level myself. I've also been kicked by someone that thought it was fun to kill me a few times while saying "umad." He kicked me at the end of the level, costing me my heat.
Aside from those rare occasions teams are fun.

I do solo a lot because the monsters have less health, I get all the materials, and If I find gear I'm 100% going to get it

So, what are the disadvantages of solo play?
Mmm well, you'll loose the social aspect of the game, repetitive grinding will be more boring, you'll become obsessed with making in-game $$ & that will become the only value you play Spiral Knights for. As well as when you start doing party runs your team play will be totally off & will come off as a jerkish player to most people, you're tolerance level will highly decrease to the point of using profanity & leaving the party to solo, you'll start becoming irritated when you don't get rare mats & they go to other players, you'll then become obsessed with UV & PvP only, and then finally you'll go on the forums & start complaining that SK is too easy & that you demand more content or you will quit.

Aside from fiends (Devilites in particular), you also generally have an easier time dealing with enemies. Having them all focused on you isn't a bad thing, because the various Clockworks critters tend to be fairly predictable - you can guess where and how they'll attack, rather than running into an enemy's attack coming from a blind spot and surrounding you because your teammates ran the wrong way. As a whole, I'd say it's easier, a little slower, and you don't have insurance against messing up.
You do get more (all) of the materials that drop, but depending on where you are, you might also get less heat from party members who su- I mean, are willing to donate heat to you. :>
+No Polaris spam
+Easier to control/predict monsters
+Monsters have less health
+No Polaris spam
+No need to waste health reviving dead teammates
+No Polaris spam
+More materials
+You can hog all the Vitapods, Remedies, and Health Capsules that drop
+No Polaris spam
-Possibility of less heat from teammates
-Nobody will save you from accidental death when you walk into a Lumber, or Polaris spam causes you to lag into a fire grate or spikes (...wait, that second half isn't applicable in a party, forget I said it)
-A little slower, especially compared to a good team

* You get all the mats.
* No idiotic teammates with [special] gear, eh, like calibur, sudaruska or polaris.
* You can wear whatever you like.
* Challenge (Shock fiend arena at D28 in full skolver? sure thing!).
* No problem going AFK for a while or waiting a long time for the elevator to switch.
* Tons of pills and vitapods.

"& start complaining that SK is too easy"
Too late. Even if you are not that quirky, weird anti-social description you gave (I thought it was funny xD) and you leave your guild + hate everyone, I have to point out that I have been told by the average person that this game is too easy. Now that does not mean it isn't fun. It's still fun, and the game is still social, however...
It crossed the line once guns and bombs were given a buff (instead of swords given a nerf).
So now, with the devs having this planned out, they are not the type to be nerfing stuff. That's fine. They are smart and they are countering this with Danger Missions. If the players are stronger, you make the content stronger. The devs are aware that this game has been getting easier since they would rather not have naive people that don't understand how to balance a game complain when they have their shorty little pokesticks nerfed. Sadly, I am one of the peoples that desire to be challenged by a video game (and I am NOT that goofy anti-social description you gave) and I quit for a bit of time.
But there is hope. Yay danger missions!

All I have to say is that those missions better live up to their names.
Or something bad is gonna happen...
Kitty, it's posts like those that make people find you annoying. Think before you post.
Play with parties or solo as you wish. It's great to party with others when you're starting, as the game's easier, you can rev each other, and you don't really need materials. People can show you tricks too; I just learned how to get free hearts off Vanaduke recently. Soloing is fine too, as it lets you practice dealing with all the enemies targeting you.
Unless it's IMF or RJP, I generally find that having party members increases my clear speed. RJP's only faster because I can simply Ash of Agni everything, with occasional Venom Veilers.

It leaves you in almost complete control of the situation.
No allied Knockback forcing you to take evasive/defensive action, or turn your attack elsewhere. No others aggroing monsters away from you/into you, kiting monsters will be easier...
But you'll lose the support of allies should you not be able to handle on your own. And sometimes, that's all it takes for your HP to take a steep dive.

This game is too easy, and therefore easily exhausted. Games that are difficult can be frustrating, but if made right, can be entertaining for a few hours (God of War). Or, the multiplayer could be expanded to have a greater variety of PvP options (Deathmatch, legit capture the flag, and maybe some kind of mission PvP, add monsters to the arenas, tortodronez, etc.) The game that is a hit due to excellent PvP is CoD.
Lastly, they could just drop an ass ton of content on the players to keep the
hooked (Skyrim).
Taking elements from the successful games (Skyrim with it's massive amount of content and detail, CoD with it's phenomenal multiplayer, and God of War with it's outstanding single player campaign) and fusing them with this game would be awesome. SK used to be excellent, but became pretty pathetic with all the nerfs (You can kill an ULTIMATE FIRESTORM CITADEL zombie with a PROTO SWORD and in PROTO ARMOR), as well as the OP weapons in relation to enemies, which need a serious buff.
Only challenges are shadow themes levels, particularly fiends. One type of level being a challenge with the rest being pathetically easy us rather sad.

Why do I get the sense that your post was based off of the Direct TV Ad?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SbPJShM6vA Most of us have found this to be the case.
- No one to annoy you by being stupid. (Mist bomb/Polaris spam)
- Monsters have less HP. They die faster.
- They are also more predictable, because they are always targeting you.
- All the items (equipment included) go to YOU!
- You get killed, you gotta CE revive.
- Again, you are the target all of the time.
- If you get locked down via freeze-trap,
or something of the like, you're effectively dead.
All in all, I really do like soloing more than team-play.
This is more because of my playstyle's idea of defense being
"It's dead. It can't hurt you."
Then again, having two players means that you won't have to CE rev
on death. Actually yeah I like that more. Two players is nice.

The main benefit I see to solo play is reliability. You know what you are capable of, while you have no idea what your teammates can do. You may have no idea if your team could potentially beat Vana, but if you solo, either know for a fact if you can or cant, and how costly it will be.

- Good way to practice (the more you solo the more likely you are to be able to hold your own in a party of 4)
- Enemies are easy to kill (they have less attack power and less health)
- Predictable enemies (you have all the aggro)
- More health for you (you don't have to share pills with teammates)
- Antisocial weapons (you can use Leviathan, Polaris, or Nitronome without pissing everyone off)
- Dependence on skill, and only skill (soloing is very consistent, you don't have to worry about teammates or anything)
- You get everything (materials and the occasional equipment drop)
- Less heat (nobody else to donate anything)
- Less overall efficiency (a team utilizing a large variety of swords, guns, and bombs will have an advantage over a one-man army)
- You have all the aggro (if you're good then enemies should be predictable, but if you're not experienced then large mobs will be difficult to manage)
- Trojans are somewhat harder to kill (in a team, one guy can aggro while another kills it from behind)

In quotes...
Team play: "OH %@*% IS THAT POLARIS?"
Solo: "Ahh.. good old AP"
"Lol @#&& you lumbers"
"Oh a primal ore all for me?"

Thats actually an interesting topic.
When you're in a party, your potential scales with how well you can cooperate. 2 people of the same skill level working in harmony will always be better than 1 person working alone; but 2 people working against each other is far worse than 1 person working alone.
So who works well together? Players of around the same skill level. As a T3 knight, I would have problems with being told how to play from a T1 knight, but when told a tip by a T3 players whom I respect, I'd be very likely to try what they were saying, especially on a run that was new to me. Similarly, T1 knights may get annoyed by me yelling at them to use their shield correctly.

I played CoD's multiplayer a while ago. It reminded me why I stick to SK.
I don't solo except when I want to test myself against a boss (Still have to beat Vana V_V I always die on the 5th stage!)
But many people have stated why solo is good/bad so I won't repeat any, I will say it's better just for mat grinding or giving yourself a challenge.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

You get 4x as many crowns and heat.
You don't have to share hearts.
When you die you can just CE revive to full HP.
You can AFK as many times as you want.
Monsters are weaker when there are less players.

As a gunner it can be huge, as in my Sentenza now requires 2 clips or 9-10 shots to kill the same thing as one clip 5 shots only (no reload).
One fine day my right hand pointer finger is going to look like Chuck Norris on steroids hanging out with 4 other bums right off of the street.
Also @ above You get 4x as many crowns and heat.
You don't have to share hearts.
Both false, they already share. With the exception being the heat which is giftable in most situations anyhow and doesnt hold any static value.
You MAY wanna check Shoe's subject line...
In hindsight, thats a great idea!.

-Monsters have 50% the HP they normally would in a full party
-Damage threshold for attacks to interrupt monsters is lower

You MAY wanna check Shoe's subject line...

Fehzor said what I really wanted to say PERFECTLY. 100% agree.

I choose solo a lot of times. Its often quicker and easier to do it alone than having 3 "meh" people with you. I have no interest in carrying 3 4*'s trough Vanaduke, and i'd rather solo him than have 3 people flying off everything and aggroing everything the wrong way.
I do prefer duo/trio/full party with people i know and work well with and i know the party is effective.
@Tersakaff: LOL @the last one. Happened to me once the other week. *That moment when you know you're #%!ed*

I like solo because I give myself a challenge (no proper gear in all honesty)
Generally most people have said it. Pros- get all loot, don't get trolled by the gun that must not be named, use whatever you want, afk without being yelled at, easier enemies. Cons- CE rev when dead (not a problem if you have mist/RICH people), no one to help you with certain things(there's a rare timed room in clockworks tunnel that require 2 people to access treasure boxes), less minerals if you even care to sell them, all enemies target you = chance to get swarmed, somewhat hard to kill 2-3 trojans and once (and some other enemies i guess),freeze traps and other stuff can screw you over ( let's not mention dumb lava spawning IN you during vana).
Generally I run in parties for fear of failing, but I like it solo as well. But 2man parties are practically THE GREATEST IMO- you can get more heat if the other party willingly does, not much mat loss most of the time, more minerals, enemies still have ok-ish health to deal with easily without damage bonus, can rev each other when dead, easier to handle trojans etc.
As far as I know you get the same amount of crowns and heat. The only major advantage would be that you get all the materials that drop to yourself.