Hello everybody, I have recently made mai own guild called . Advent Children is a reletively new guild that consists of mature, friendly, and active Tier Three knights that are sole on fun and power. We do not discriminate or judge, it's just not toleratable and you will be removed from the guild if you do. In this guild, Guild Chat is highly respected and used everyday. You may notice the Final Fantasy VII reference in the guild name, that has nothing to do with it. I just liked the name and am a fan of Final Fantasy VII. We have our own Guild Page, stop on by if you're interested. :D
AND We are so awesome we even have a TRAILER!
Now here to prove our awesomeness, we have a semi-awesome Guild Website
Join Form~
About the Guild Masters~
Isekuube is a Five Star knight. In Haven you can see him wearing his Grey Owlite Cowl and Snarbolax Coat 40% of the time, Ice Queen Crown and Snarbolax Coat 20% of the time, Quicksilver/Vog Coat combination 10% of the time, my Mech Suit (Fancy Stranger Hat with Fancy Goggles and Mech'tennas and a Spiral Culet with a Luquifier Crest) 10% of the time, some itiotic combination with Skolver 10% of the time, Chroma Mask and Wolver Coat 5% of the time, and the last 5% is full Frostbreaker set.
If you see Isekuube in Haven and you want to be recruited, he's going to act formal, (Maybe, if Isekuube starts to like you he's going to be more easy going, that's a good sign for you) though he may joke about your answers (in a good way). When you are officially in the guild, you'll love him. Isekuube one of the most friendliest, fun, outgoing, and powerfull (;D) knight on Cradle. But, when you are in Firestorm Citadel with him, well, keep him out of trouble. Don't get me wrong, Ise is a skilled player in FSC, he just tends to get careless, he most definetly tries his hardest.
Bhut-Jolokia is Isekuube's partner-in-crime. He just finished my chaos set which makes him very happy, unfortunately it has no uv's yet to deal with all the horrible status effects D: Jol is somewhat of a quiet person but i'll talk to anyone that wants to chat, assuming he's not in a run or something. He doesn't like standing around and talking for too long though D: Also, he will start doing regular SL runs very soon.
What to expect~
Current Count of Members~
Vene mi fili, hic veni da mihi mortem iterum.
Thank you for your consideration.
/think Hunger Games reference! :D
Ecmanl has joined the guild Advent Children.