PUNCH LOVES ME! I feel disgusted that he loves me, since I am a man (urrrrrrrgh). Maybe punch is a female with a male name. You never know, with those sneaky gremlins. I only visited the he/she 5 times. The first, trolled. The second, ASI high FF. Third, fourth trolled. After all, a puncher needs to keep its reputation, right? 5th.... ASI VH GF. I with 100k I earned about 40000 CE!
I am a vveeeery rich f2p person now. But those two lovelies.... My..... Preciouss.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz-8CSa9xj8&feature=related
Punch is in love with me. *Urrgh*
Punch gave him a UV so great it overshadowed the first failure and made him so rich.
And he got a ASI toothpick.
BECAUSE I AM RICH AND YOU ARE NOT! HAHAHAHA! No, really, it is actually just amazing because the chances of getting an ASI high and ASI VH in 5 punchrolls is zilch. I know a guy who has "his baby". He poured 2 mil crowns in rolls and the most he got on his GF was med ASI. So I actually just posted because it is like winning a lottery... Twice. Has this happened before?
So what? Its not a reason to make a topic in general discuission.
This is for general discussion, not to discuss one player lucky UV roll.
@OP great, you play 5x better, but i play 10x w/o it, get skills? ¬.¬
Has is happened before? Sure it has.
Spent my earnings from the 2 day free elevator event on punch. ASI H on snarble barb 1st try. Having not used DA for ages I decided that should get the treatment to breath new life into it - undead low -> beast med -> ASI VH. Just like you, but in 4 steps not 5. Also got construct VH combuster soon after.
I dont even .... Wha?