Fighting Monsters: 30%
Hanging out in Haven: 45%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 15%
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network): 0%
Using the Auction House: 5%
Crafting: 2%
Other: 3%
How do you spend your in-game time? (by %)

Fighting monsters 50%
lurking by AH 15%
Lockdown 10%
Socializing 10% explicitly, I tend to do this while doing other things.
Forums 15%

Fighting Monsters: 25%
Hanging out in Haven: 30%
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network): LD 30%
Using the Auction house: 12%
Crafting: 1.5% (I sometimes spend lots of time trying to figure what to craft :o)
Forum stuff: 1.5%

Fighting: 60% (PvE 20% and PvP 40%)
Hanging out in Haven: 15%
Auction House lulz: 10%
Crafting: 1%
Forumz: 7%
Other random things like Blast Network or such: 7%

Fighting Monsters: 10%
Lockdown: 10%
Reading Forums: 5%
Merchanting: 60%
Idling: 5%
Hosting Trivia: 2%
Other Stuff: 8%

Fighting Monsters: 0%
Hanging out in Haven: 0%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 25%
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network): 75%
Using the Auction House: 0%
Crafting: 0%

Fighting Monsters: 1%
Hanging out in Haven: 25%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 1%
Playing Lockdown: <9000%
Using the Auction House: 1%
Crafting: 1%
Other: 1%

Blast network: 93%
Exchanging krogmo coins for mod calibrators: 1%
Selling mod calibrators: 1%
Haven: 5%
Merchanting: 90%
Forums: 3%
Blast network/lockdown: 7%
Haven: 44%
Lockdown/Blast network: 38.9%
Fighting monsters: 0%
Joining Xairathan's trivias: 0.1%
Merchanting: 5%
Afking: 5%
Forums (Mainly reading): 7%

Fighting Monsters: 30%
Hanging out in Haven: 5%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 60%
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network): 4%
Other: 1%
Just as a guess.

Clockworks: 42%
LD: 15%
BN: 1%
AH Lurking: 22%
Forums (Reading): 10%
Forums (Posting): 2%
Chatting with Friends/Guildies: 8%

Clockworks: 40%
Hanging out in Haven: 5%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 46%
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network):2%
Using the Auction House: 5%
Crafting: 1%
Other: 2%

Missions - 30%
Clockworks - 40%
Forums - 10%
PvP - 5%
Haven/AH - 15%

Fighting Monsters: 20%
Hanging out in Haven: 0%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 0%
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network): 10%
Using the Auction House: 50%
Crafting: 0%
Other: 20%

Recently for the past 2-3months with Elevator Pass:
Fighting Monsters: 40%
Hanging out in Haven: 2%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 30%(1% reading & 29% posting)
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network): 4%
Using the Auction House: 1%
Crafting: 20%
Other: 3%
After my Elevator Pass expired & loosing forum access due to unknown technical difficulties with I.P. addresses:
Fighting Monsters: 1%
Hanging out in Haven: 4%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 3%
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network): 10%
Using the Auction House: 40%
Crafting: 40%
Other: 2%

Fighting Monsters: 15%
Hanging out in Haven: 40%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 25%
Playing Lockdown (Or Blast Network): 11%
Using the Auction House: 5%
Crafting: 2%
Other: 3%

Fighting Monsters: 10%
Hanging out in Haven:
Reading and Posting on Forums: 40%
Playing Lockdown (Or Blast Network): 40%
Using the Auction House: 5%
Crafting: 5%
Other: 5%

Standing around in haven(talking,AH,etc..): 50%
ATH or Presige missions: 10%
FSC: 40%

Prestige --> 5%
Vana --> 10%
Hanging out in Haven --> 75%
Wasting money --> 5%
Earning less money than I spend --> 2.5%
Other --> 2.5%
My life is easy and expensive at the same time.

Fighting Monsters: 5%
Hanging out in Haven: 35%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 10%
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network): 40%
Using the Auction House: 10%
Crafting: 0%
Other: 0%
Edit: Slayzz, nice song choice ;)

10% Luck fighting monsters
20% Skill in Lockdown
15% Concentrated power of will at Auction House
5% Pleasure crafting
50% Pain of boredom wandering around waiting for lockdown
and 100% Reason to remember the game!
...anyone get the song reference? ;) But seriously, this is pretty much it.
Edit: @Pokenuevo Thanks ;) One of the few rap songs I like.

Clockworks: 75%
Lockdown: 10%
Crafting: 0.01%
Auction House: 4.99%
Forums: 10%
I spend about... 2 hours a day in the clockworks, compared to about 10 minutes hanging around talking.

Fighting monsters: 10%
Lockdown: 30%
Crafting: 5%
Auction house: 20%
Hanging: 15%
Forums: 15%
Other: 5%

Fighting Monsters: 65% <---- A.K.A Grinding -.-'
Hanging out in Haven: 25%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 5% <---- D:
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network): 0.9% <---- D:
Using the Auction House: 5%
Crafting: 5%
Other: 0.1% <---- I don't mess around xP
Took me a moment to see it, but it made me laugh xD
Now I want to listen to that song o.o

Clockworks: 10% No one uses the Arcade anymore
Lockdown: 35% I dont play blast network
Chillin': 45% What else can you do while waiting for Lockdown and mist to recharge?
AH: 2.5% Price check
Crafting: 1.5% @Owaoforum- Ikr
Forums: 4% Im bored.
Other: 2% There are other things to do in game.
@Slayzz- I love it.
Fighting Monsters: 40%
Hanging out in Haven: 10%
Reading and Posting in Forums: 10%
Playing Lockdown (or Blast Network): 40%
Using the Auction House: ~0%
Crafting: ~0%