I already have the Firotech Alchemer and the Autogun. I am planning on getting the Antigua with the Jelly tokens, but is it really worth it or should I just get the Alchemer Mk 2 or the Pepperbox?
3* Guns
I was planning on farming RJP anyways so I could get crowns and the tokens
Well, After that you can farm Roarmulus Twins for tokens(even though its harder but it gives the same amount of Cr as the Jelly King Area)
Then get the pulsar and go for the kilowatt.
ir if you wanna be a hipster, go for the catalyzer first..
anyway... you choices seem to be slightly harder than just situational here.... your antigua should probably turn into a sentenza if youre thinking on keeping a magma driver. therefore you have situational dmg options now, elemental and shadow. autogun has a piercing line, but normal dmg is fine vs everything so if you wanna chose that, it wont do much dmg after all...
I hope you mean the blitz/autogun line because pepperbox is not a gun you want to invest in early on.
/facepalm... That's yet another innocent person turned into a polaris-spamming noob. Well done, Incineron.
Now, to business...
Before it went pure damage, when it was still split piercing/other damage, the two Antigua upgrades actually looked decent. As of now, it's probably best to go for it anyway and get the Sentenza, because it's one of the best Shadow handguns for swordies.
The Autogun lines are not really useful for anything (except the blitz vs Vanaduck, but that's a rather niche weapon). I don't recommend it.
Blitz is great in several areas, including Decon zones, wolver areas, and especially fiend and undead stratum. I will concur with getting a sentenza, though, they are handy ina pinch.
Thanks, Perronius. Maybe I'll actually consider making one. Evidently, you are an expert on not dying in fiend strata, because, when I stand still for that long in a fiend level, I get half my health bar mobbed away.
the main thing to remember with fiends is that they get interupted by the first hit... so a blitz charge will stop them from hurting you. I also use it while waiting for the spawn. Unleash a charge into a newly spawned group, and you likely kill them all. THe other gun i bring is a callahan, and you simply use one shot, shield and move, one shot, shield and move.
As a backup, bring a sword to deal with grievers.
There is a steep learning curve with the blitz, but once you master it, it does the highest damage in the game.
I should get either the Antigua for the Sentenza or upgrade my Autogun to Blitz Needle? PS I have the Wolver going on Dusker Armor and the Fireburst Brandish.
Autogun -> Blitz has far more uses than a Sentenza.
Also, you'll probably use the elemental Argent Peacemaker more than the shadow Sentenza. The main reason to get a Sentenza over an Argent is for Lockdown. Despite this, Argent is far more useful in Firestorm Citadel, the T3 boss. I use my own AP about 10x more often than my Sent.
I don't really play LD so it wouldn't matter, but I might look into it. Anyways, is the Alchemer useless because nobody is mentioning it?
Not really... The thread started with Alchemers didn't it?
The thing is, Alchemers don't get good until 4*, at least. Until then, they feel like weak spitballs. Once you get to 4* and 5*, you start getting those epic ricochets between multiple enemies. Good gunners can consistently get one Alchemer shot to bounce between two enemies about ~4+ times, dealing about 250 damage per hit (This is in Tier 3). I use an Umbra Driver (Shadowtech) for Slimes and a Nova Driver (Prismatech) for undead all the times. A well placed charge shot can insta-kill MULTIPLE enemies at once.
The main problem with Alchemers, more than the "not getting good until 4*" part, is that their hitbox is the weirdest/worst of the game. I cannot count how many time I see a shot hit an enemy, ricochet, but do no damage. It takes a lot of practice to get good at Alchemers, but once you do, they are just devastating.
However, I would advise against Firotech. You can easily pick up a Voltech or something at the AH for cheap. The reason for this is because the T3 boss that you will be farming a lot (eventually), is in a fire themed strata. You don't have to look that far ahead, and a Firotech can still hold its own in said boss area, but it wont be ideal.
You mean Vanaduke right? If so, isn't the Argent Peacemaker or Blitz Needle the right gun to do that?
Against Vanaduke himself, Polaris and Blitz are the best options...
But there are still 5 floors packed, shoulder to shoulder, with zombies before Vanaduke. Alchemers excel in FSC because of how densely packed the rooms can get (causing each shot to hit more targets). My record is insta-killing 3 Zombies with a Nova Driver Charge Shot (+Dam max from Shadowsun and Trinket, in a party of 3).
So I have decided that with the stuff you guys said I probably will get the Antigua so I can get the Sentenza. Speak now or forever hold your peace.
I use my Argent Peacemaker more than my Sentenza for PvE... Just sayin'
Yes to all that. I love my Cryo and Shadow alchemers but they do only start getting good at 4*.
Well, I think you should farm Jelly King. Once you get enough cr to make a pepperbox, make it.
Then, farm Jelly King more.
Once you get enough crowns, you can get the antigua.
Both of those two lines (Antigua, pepperbox) are very good 5*s.