Hello Spiral Knights Community. This is my first post on the forums here.
My name is Drakerz in game and I am the founder of State Alchemists.
State Alchemists is recruiting new and experienced knights to expand this small casual guild.
The guild currently encourages new players by providing help with missions, sharing knowledge and providing a place to meet new people.
We are also looking to expand the guild with experienced knights who do not mind sharing their strategies, assisting newer knights and who wish to find other experienced knights to run with on more challenging depths of the clock works.
Currently our guild has 20 members
Some of the officers in our guild run FSC and our members are varied in abilities from new recruits to end game.
We have not tackled Shadow Lairs yet but will be soon.
Guide Lines for recruitment:
1. Be respectful to guild members as best as you can.
2. Please do not beg for crown, energy or gear that you have to unbind, it makes you look bad and our guild.
- If you need help in obtaining things you can always ask fellow guild mates, but if they are unable to provide or not willing, do not pester them continuously.
3. Don't be a health capsule hog. Officers and Guild Masters will periodically ask for a health capsule ((pill)) check to ensure that all members are running with the ability to heal if needed.
4 Do not start drama, we are a casual guild and are here to relax and enjoy the game.
5 If you are inactive for a month without notifying anyone, you will lose your spot within the guild. I wish to keep the guild active and happy.
6. Assist where and when you can.
Recruit: Tier 1's start here. Welcome to Spiral Knights
Member: Tier 2 clearance, so how bout those twins, huh, Royal Jelly?
Veteran: Tier 3 clearance, Vana? that tame old beast.
Officer: This has not been officially discussed as our guild is small, but being helpful to other members and being friendly doesn't hurt. You will also be required to run through a Tier 3 gate with at least one GM and 2 other officers and at that point they will decide.
Guild Master: The guild is too small to appoint other GM's at the moment however, if it does increase there may be spots to help out.
In anticipation of Guild Hall improvements and other features hopefully State Alchemists will be a place for you to call home for a laugh, adventure and to form bonds.
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Contact in game: Drakerz
Thanks everyone and hope to run with ya soon.
2 New Members have joined since yesterday. Thanks everyone for taking an interest.
I'm on vacation in Hawaii, and we don't have good wifi or computer, so i will be inactive for 2-3 weeks. Please do not kick me!