Hi everyone!
I am a player who is transitioning from t2 to t3 Lockdown using the gunner style of play. As you all know, guns are extremely hard to use in Lockdown effectively, so I'm getting some preparation before jumping right in. And so, I have a few general questions:
1) How many shots does it normally take for an Umbra Driver to kill a standard clone (Penta/Skolver/Toothpick)? Elemental alchemer?
2) About how many pokes does it take to kill me wearing full Shadowsun and Penta-Heart Pendants?
3) Are guns better to use auto-aim or should I go without?
4) Is ASI or damage increase more favorable in t3?
5) Provide any extra tips you would think would improve my effectiveness.
And I guess that's it! Thanks for your help! :)
1. I haven't used Umbra in a while, but I think it's something like 4-5 depending on health tokens, I might be off. Nova is the same, status is 5-6, but magma will also damage and the other two immobilize. This is with +6 damage, of course.
2. IIRC, with one penta 3 non-3rd hit pokes leave you with 1/2 a pip of health left. Just run one penta and a trueshot, better to do damage than be too bulky because the quicker you take your opponent out, the safer.
3. Depends on play style. If you keep your distance, don't. It'll throw off your shots.
4. Damage. ASI is nice, but not nearly as helpful.
5. Practice, mostly.