So I was running JK and Roarmulus Twins attempting to save up money to get all 4* gear. Up to this point I had one loadout that I was upgrading. But then I thought "What if there's more?" so I went out and got some other gear. Now I'm suggesting something to the community. If you are as dumb as I was and only have one loadout, GET SOMETHING ELSE. Your loadout decides the gameplay style you use, and a change in style makes the game suddenly feel a BERJILLION times more fun. That is all I have to say.

That's another wolver clone converted :)
Good job, team.

berjillion.... now THAT is a good number.

Heck I'm wearing Skolver with Vog and black Toothpick but I'm still used to gun and bomb aswell... I just can't efford that gear does that make me a clone?
just askin'... I'm a quite good gunner btw

I wasn't actually a wolver clone. Here's an example of my standard loadout (and an oh crap moment)

Yeah... we know. If you wanted noobs to see this, post it in Recruits forums.
Edit: There you go.

Actually you only need one armor load out: Bomber. Pick your favorite poison, it works in all places, because it gives bonuses! that's all you need. I insist upon this fact.
Of course saying this i just crafted a different bomber set so I can PWN people even more better in LockDown.
Welcome to the enlightened society.