Ever have a show or song or whatever you really enjoy, but you don't recommend it to anyone cause you know they wouldn't like it? Because it's inaccessable (Example. Community became extremely self-aware mid season 3.)
Let's be clear on one thing. I enjoy this game very much, and it sucks that I can't bring my IRL friends along for the ride. I have invested time and money into this game and therefore have a vested interest in seeing its success.
I have just come back from a very extended vacation. I started when SK came to Steam, quit around Lockdown release.
When I started, it was reasonably easy for you to bring a new friend in, and help him get started. Even so, at 3500CR/100CE, it would take him a while to get up to speed. An established 5* player bringing in a noob? You're eventually going to have to let him catch up on his own.
Which brings me to this.
The community blows. (Don't stop reading yet)
In any other game I can think of, I can log on, put out a global message, and get some people together for the equivalent of a run. For example, in Global Agenda, plenty of people talk in global chat. Noobs ask questions, pros answer. People (my guild) talk crap after Mercenary matches. In ACE Online, war chat is constantly active. These games I use as examples because they are also F2P, lesser known with smaller communities than Spiral Knights.
In Spiral Knights, nobody uses Zone chat. It *is* global, right? The past few days I've been asking for runs, looking for people to do runs... Nobody wants to. There were 1500 people on yesterday, what was everyone doing? The idle period is not that long before it logs you off. Nobody is ever chatting with random people, nobody wants to pub. The one person that expressed interest in FSC decided I wasn't as good as the guy with wings on his Vog. I guess he can use those wings to carry noobs through Vana?
Going through arcade elevators, I harpy ever find parties. Not that it's worth it.
This community is just not active.
I think I know why nobody wants to play games with random people (and you know be social). At 8k CR/CE., if you land a noob and screw up, it seriously sets you back.
Anyway, this brings me to the mission system. Bravo to OOO for trying to bring in focused progression. I mean it.
However, the problem is fourfold.
1. If you bring a new friend, it's very tedious to sit him through. Tier one blows. And elevator costs don't scale so it's also a goo way to waste energy.
2. Going solo as a first time player is hard. As I just came back, I had to go through the missions. I'm on 8-2 now. Some of them were actually respectably challenging. For an experienced 5* player. Not optimal gear, but still. Challenge is good. But new players will invariably die a lot. And have to energy res or give up. Why?
3. Nobody parties. You can't join missions in progress, and people don't spend much time in lobby. When I unlock a new mission tier I spend 10 minutes trying to Join Game. Up to 8-2, only 2 parties. Was I just unlucky?
4. The missions make Arcade obsolete, which means I can't jump into an elevator and find 3 other people with Vog/DA like I used to.
The game has always suffered an extreme case of Borderlands-itis. You join a higher levelled friend's game, you get owned, you go through story without progressing your own. Higher level joins you, he owns everything, gets no reward, boring for both of you. In Borderlands, the solution is really to make another character. But there's classes in Borderlands, you can experiment and have fun with variety. In Spiral Knights, experimentation costs $$ or time or both, and you can easily dump that into crap gear.
Also... Dump time into an alt, can't trade gear back to main. Gear is the only form of progression so... Wasted time? (Prestige does even less than in Call of Duty. That's genuninely impressive, as CoD's is actually actively counterproductive after a certain point)
Which leads me to gear. You are simply not competitive without the right gear, be it PvP or PvE. Yes, many can run FSC in proto now but everyone starts somewhere. The wiki is nice, more T3 boss stratas would be nicer. Or have the Hall of Heroes npcs not wearing Vog say "my gear is crap, don't make it".
Add a "why" button and a "Because only FSC is economical to play" button.
And seriously? 4k unbind cost? I can't think of another RPG where I can't give my friend some rockin' gear without having to eat ramen noodles for 2 weeks afterwards.
Doesn't help that gear doesn't drop during levels either. Months of playing, I've only seen a Frost Gun looted. And I wasn't even the one that got it.
Also, there is no endgame. SL is cost prohibitive for the reward and you only have to do it once to get everything. So the only endgame is farm Vana for energy for gear for more farming of Vana. And sitting in town. Which is a really sad endgame. It reminds me of Ace Online towards the end when both sides would just log on, farm Barren Lands (a shared map) and not even attack each other. Just grind to the max, and mass quit.
And for a high level player, why invest $$ in CE? I don't know how recent promos are but I see no reason right now to spent actual money.
Besides cosmetics, there's a lot of dead weight in this game. And only one major threat to defend against in T3 (fire/shadow)
Then again you can't just rebalance all the time (League of Elementz), given that people invest so much in their equips.
I don't know how to fix anything, but I'm not collecting a paycheck either. Oh well.
Oh wait, CE cost. I personally don't care. I have all the gear I want. I use CE to run for the sake of running. A noob can't do that though.
Yes, free-to-play is a very lucrative and profitable business model. (Or is it? Firefall Forever...)
But out of 1500 players yesterday, pretty much zero of them were active. Tons of them were AH alts. My own guild members didn't want to run once they ran out of mist. And a new player absolutely cannot get any headway in this game by himself.
This is a casual, free to play, rated-E game with an atmosphere not unlike Maplestory. I'm assuming many players are under the age limit.
To be successful it requires a lot of care and research. Revive too many times? You'll never have money for gear. Etc etc.
TL;DR I'm a busy guy, and for multiple reasons I can't even log on during my breaks and get a quick run. And I can't play with my friends.
Anyway, there you have it. Take it as you will. See you at FSC (not).
P.S. As for Ldown, only improvement is to remove aimbot. I thought everyone was super pro then I went Recon and realized the truth.
Zone is not global. It's zone. I stopped reading when you thought it was. But then I picked back up to see what other stupidity have you spit out.
You seem like the offensed Cobalt clone cause he didn't get picked for FSC. Go solo if you're so good.
The community is very active, sir. If you knew where to look. Arcade is dead. Zone chat goes to few people. Try Haven 1 zone chat and /2, but /2 is for selling.
People don't leave their parties open because they don't want little cobalts joining. If you get killed by scuttles- get better.
Check the wiki for tactics or watch videos of experenced players rather than whining.
You can experiment in proto too.
Vog is not crap. Gear matters very little if you manage to get skill and experience.
Don't like the prices-don't buy.
There's no endgame because the game isn't supposed to abruptly end.
Gear is supposed to be crafted.
You can do T3 runs just as well, it's not like you're chained to FSC.
If I wanna give OOO my money I will. If I wanna be fancy I will.
Again, you've only looked in the zone chat of a half-empty Haven.
No, it's not "aimbot". It's auto-target and it's a feature of the game. It will not be remove because you are bad in LD.
This thread and OP left a sour taste in my mouth.