Hello. I've started playing Spiral Knights not longer than a week ago. So far, I am loving the game and the aesthetics. I've absorbed quite some reading material from the wiki, and from a couple of guides that I found in the sticky of this forum. I've checked a couple of threads, but I still am curious about some things, and I would appreciate some help from more experienced players.
1. As I am slowly approaching the Jelly King mission, and the need of crafting 3 stars cobalt gear. (or any 3* gear, for that matter). Materials and recipes seem to be quite easy to get (especially with things around like hall of heroes), however in order to craft 3* gear, 200 energy is required for each piece. I've been playing "free to play" style so far, but at this point, does it mean I HAVE TO buy CE with real money in order to craft 3* gear? Mist energy caps at 100, and as far as I know, it cannot be "transferred" into CE.
2. Buying CE for crowns sounds not bad in theory. I even found some guides explaining how to become self efficient using the action house, by selling materials and doing profitable runs and so on. However the author of the guide wrote it at the time when 100CE costed 4k crowns. Currently 100 CE costs nearly 8k to buy. My recent "crash the fiend party" mission solo earned me 1k crowns and some materials, for the cost of 20 energy. That means I could, possibly, earn 5k crowns, and hope the lot of materials will sell for more than 3k, but that is just going even. Is it still possible to become self-efficient in Spiral Knights currently ?
3. Should I collect armor sets for every occasion ? I've got only cobalt (which you get for free), wolver, and i got myself a skelly set off AH, because fiend and undead missions gave me a rough time. Should I collect all armor sets, or at least one for every kind of damage ?
4. Many 2* items on AH seem very cheap. I think I bought a skelly shield for 1.5k, where the recipe alone costs 1k. Once It got to me how costly CE is for crowns, I ended up buying it straight from AH. After looking into the Fireburst Brandish... I have the mats, I can access the recipe, but 200 CE would cost me 16k crowns + 4k for the recipe. And I saw brandishes for 15k, 16k, 18k... so... should I skip crafting all together?
4b. Can I craft a 200CE item, using 100 mist energy and 100 CE combined?
5. Any other general tips that I couldn't find on the wiki are appreciated.
1- no. at the lower right end of your screen, theres a (-) sign. click on it, then on market or trade tabs.
2-yes. but its hard, and will take a lot of time to get you to t3.
3- 1- either you try to be an all-rounder with lat least a set for every dmg type, or 2- you only pick piercing gates in the clockworks.
4- crafting only should start from 3* and higher.
4b YES
5. do clockworks runs. youll be able to acces the royal jelly palace, the ironclaw factory etc., and if you find a good party youll profit largely from those area's payouts.