Like Blueflood said, is it true that bomber can use Autoaim?
Umm Bomber can use Autoaim? D:
He lied.
EDIT: Unlikely. Shard bombs have a preset explosion direction and projectile placement.Autoaiming would nevertheless be useless on a bomb.
lol. Someone has successfully trolled with auto-aim on bombs. Goodjob. I applaud you.
Auto-Target and ASI does not affect RSS, we just joke about that because people often say that someone is only good because they use ASI and AA and many skolvers believe that the RSS is overpowered.
Its a 4* weapon, and its just as good as a 5*.
Every good bomber I know has an RSS.
I would not mind if they nerfed it, as long as they made a 5* sun shard bomb that had the RSS's power pre-nerf.
Skolvers think RsS is OP.
What Rey don't realize is that their armor doesn't have any defense against RSS elemental damage, obviously.
Stop that! Just, no! After all, I can't shard through a "shield wall," but you can gun through it. And my shards get eaten by the light fixtures on the floor, and your bullets don't. Balanced!
RSS is even the more awesome when 2 or 3 people are using it in lockdown. Great fun.
And no, you can't autoaim a bomb. There's no aim! It just goes "Boom!" How do you aim a set circle??? RSS has no aim, the shards are the exact same pattern everytime. Exact same compass directions. It doesn't matter what direction you're facing, how fast you're moving, the direction of the wind, the slope of the earth, or how many skolvers are trying to stab you in the face. Exact same, every time. That's what makes it great, and also makes it easy to dodge for gunners who are smart enough to keep their distance (unlike the afore mentioned skolvers running in a straight line and then wondering why they just died)
On clockworks, the RSS lose power the deeper you go on strat 6 since they arent 5* (easy to see during an FSC run). This potentially means that in LD they even arent at full potential.
The bombs arent really strong.. it's just that no one wears dragon scale......
That's insane. RSS is a 4* bomb with 4* strength. They do need to make a 5* RSS, and make it more powerful than the 4*. I wouldn't even mind if they made RSS weaker, as long as 5* is stronger than current 4*. The last thing in the world that needs a nerf IS ANY BOMB OR GUN. In fact 5* Shards should be more powerful than 4*, and it should have 4 branches-->elem, shadow, pierce, and normal. And then we have a shard bomb for all occasions. And all better than current 4* RSS.
Hmm, auto-aim is useless on radius bombs like Shiver and Nitro but I think the shard bombs may be able to use auto-aim.