The thing I find that the pepperbox is lacking is that it has a weak fire damage, could that be buffed from moderate to strong in order to compensate for normal damage, or increace the chance for both of the status autoguns? Even the poison needle could have high points by poison adding damage and doing pierceing, and since the charge attack was changed, maybe you could move slowly while firing?
Its wide spread has a niche of making it a spray and pray weapon, maybe we could help that out by a slow movement speed while firing, or even being able to turn while the fireing is in progress? I also wouldn't mind if it just fired like the blitz, tighten the spread maybe?
or just change it to an elemental or shadow damage, that could work, too.
While I am behind a buff to the pepperbox, the main problem I see with blitz and plague is that you cant shoot thru a corpse thus in one way the spread is a strong point rather than a weakness.
I could get behind being able to pivot only while firing but for the amount of damage the thing does I think its pretty balanced as is.
The weapons regular shot is really pretty decent imo once you hit ultra or above Asi and either shield cancel or pick and commit to enemies at close range once you learn what you can and cannot take out with 2 reg shots (alpha vs reg wolver)
It is what it is, a huge risk vs reward oriented weapon compared to the alternative Callahan that promotes a safer more "turtleish" playstyle.