Im in
goldbird is my partner
Angelic. Tell me your availability between June 15th and June 16th. I can schedule into an appropriate time that fits for you =D
Saturday, 3 to 6pm British summer time would be nice, but if not, lets say...8:30 to around 9:30pmBST. I never know when i wake up, so not morning.
I would like 2 sign up me and my partner!!!
IGN#1: Astrodragon (me)
IGN#2:Obeynone (partner)
@zaderules those were all extras i had, and which i had no uses for, so i am glad that they will come in handy.
Johnthegreenguy and I (Tilybb) would like to sign up as partners!
Sign us up, please. Sadly, I may not be able to make it, as somethin popped up, in which I can discuss ingame.
I've upped my prizes to include the following:
2 x flourish ctr high
4 x flourish ctr med
I wish my alt would make some darn ASI's. >.>
Throw a Kalaina & Incoherrant into this, assuming the times will be somewhat adjustable for her work hours. ._.
I Rominus and Chocomilk would like to take part. Go ahead and just send me the mail when you do, she doesn't exactly speak english.
To Everyone that is Signed Up or thinking about Signing Up, there is a Link to the Round 1 Scheduling! Please tell me your availability during those days! Thanks!
Jetrider and arcknightdelta are ready for the race
Hey Guys! The official Clockworks Dash Bracket has been posted! Go check out your matchup! The time and place of your matchup will be sent in a mail IN GAME. If you still would like to join the competition, it is still not too late! Find a partner and tell me! The deadline is Tuesday June 12th!
Regarding the Tournament Bracket,
Angelic-Tear isn't coming with me, Tearninja is, they're the same person, but Tear uses Angelic Tear as his Forum name-person-avatar-guy. So when he shows up as Tearninja, don't be suprised.
today, but it seems like Isekuube has got here first.
i check the winners bracket (since you do not have a link to the losers) and i am wondering, which round is my team of Weld and Spikroe in. just so you know, my other characters are Weld, the best one of the three, and Phazon-Hunter, the Star Wars inspired knight.
@ Burstwolf Weld and Spikroe are in Round 1. And also, the link is for BOTH winners and losers bracket. The top portion of the bracket with all of the names of the participants is the winners bracket. The losers bracket is the bottom portion with no names yet (because no one has lost ¬¬)
Pretty sure I'm signing up in time, Me and Skysplitter are IN
Redfevrier and Tersakoff signing up at the last minute! :3
before the race and the rewards and all....can't we use that elevator clock XD
Cobalt and I would like to get in on this
@ Burstwolf Oh and Just a heads up... With these last minute entries.... your team of Weld and Spikroe has been moved into the Preliminaries round (Don't blame me.... Blame the new entries ¬¬)
any way, after laying down a uber-curse on them, just mail me in game and i will let spikroe know the date, it would help if i could get the time too.
The Preliminaries have started! Get HYPE WOOT! Anyways, the other hosts and I are still working on the scheduling for Round 1 of Friday June 15th and Saturday June 16th. If you havent told us your available times, please tell us via the link saying Round 1 Winners Bracket link under the bold word Scheduling in the OP, so we can schedule a matchup that fits everyone. Thanks!
@Zaderules: i might not be able to participate in the Clockworks Dash competition. My computer is once again infected with one or multiple viruses. this was posted from my Dsi. Please reschedual my match if possible due to the shutdown of my pc. I may be able to show up on...uh, Friday? i will let you know
I might show up today, but if not reschedual, please. i truely do not wish to miss this awsome event.
I think thats enough people to do blast network.
my computer is back up and running zaderules! i will see if spikroe is on, if he is not, i will attemt to find a friend who can join me. i will notify you of any change via in game mail.
I would like to point out that both my team (Rominus and Tamashii) and my opponents team (Lead by Metaalpha) marked that we could not make the 4:30 PST time slot. We *did* however both mark we could make the 6:30 PST time slot. If you could look into it that would be fantastic.
Ahhh I see
Unfortunately I cannot make it that time either :|
I can do maybe 9:30 PST or 10:30 PST
@ Rominus It says you have checked between 3:30 PM - 6:30PM (6 green boxes in a row) and then yellow from 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (5 yellow boxes in a row) for Friday June 15th, PST. There is a time zone converter on the website. Change the drop down box to America/San francisco. This is PST.
My apologies, I was under the impression that site was automatically putting times in PST.
is there another chance for me? i lost against Skysplitter...
um me and my partner won against isekuube & tearninja
@ Burstwolf yeah you do. According to the bracket you are against the losers of Comanderr + Metaalpha vs Rominus + Tamashii
Please post your available times for your next match in the scheduling links in the OP. Make sure you are posting in the correct one! Good luck to all of the knights in their next match!
Hey everyone!
I will be away from the computer for a few weeks due to being severely injured in a car accident that happened Monday June 18th. I am recovering slowly right now. I promise I WILL be back by the end of the competition and give out prizes by then! Until then, please give your fullest cooperation with the hosts Sorb, Sodenomai, Lord-Joe, and Lordace! Also, Shadowracer is willing to give out several 2 star items as a first place prize! Details of that will come later.
Umm sorb we have to reorganise our match because no one showed up at all
So our match is in the losers bracket I think
Round one was the round so can we do it maybe at 4:30 pm?
there is a patch today (6/19/12) and my client just stops the patch at 97% >.> i tried again and again to update the client, but it kept stopping at 97%. ill try to fix it, but if i cant make it to the competition, can you move our race back a day?
Just like with shakaking, I am having the same problem. My client is running really slowly and my match is today! If any of the hosts see this, can you please postpone my match untill I can solve the problem?
Im in
goldbird is my partner