1.Why do Gnolls from Whirled and Wolvers from Spiral Knights look so much alike in the face?
2. Why did OOO reuse all the characters from Underwhirled Drift except Pit Brutes.
3.Are Kawaiis what Knights look like under all the armor :3?
4.Who are the Morai?
5.Why doesn't Bechamel love me?
6.Are Strangers robotic? If so then are they rogue gremlin robots? or are they robots constructed by the Snipes?
7. Why do Devilite-ITs always erase the history on their work computers?
8.Does Bechamel think I'm ugly?
9. Do Gremlins prefer Blur or Oasis?
10. How many lick does it take to get to the Core?
11. Why doesn't Bechamel want to get married to me
12. Is Razwog on Team Edward or Team Jacob?
13. If I was skinnier would Bechamel love me?
14. Will the Tortodrone ever come back?
15. Does the Dark Ritual require the blood of a virgin?
16. If I wasn't a virgin would my blood still work for the Mewkat's ritual?
17. Do Gremlins believe in the tooth fairy?
18. Why does Bechamel keep changing his phone number?
19.Where do the obese wolvers live?
20. My Final question is....Do you think Bechamel doesn't love me because He is in a relationship with Eurydice?
Many Weird Questions (20 Question Addition)

7: When I interrogated a Devil-IT about this topic, he said he had 34 good reasons he wasn't going to tell me before I accidentally hit the trigger on my Mega Magnus.
10: Cradle may never know.
12: He killed both of them with his Battlepod.
14: Torto's still on vacation. Give him a little time- he got tired of the whole "getting killed by Knights" thing.
17: Gracken and Vise don't. Punch pretends to.
19: The Royal Jelly Palace. They like the taste of Jelly Minis.
20: Oh, Bechamel and Eurydice are together? That's nice to hear!

1. It's because OOO used the same artist to make the Wolvers and the Gnolls. Cherub/Blackhat! He made both the Wolvers and the Gnolls and the Kawaiis.
2. idk, it's up to OOO and Cherub, I guess.
3. No. I don't think Kawaiis have THAT much of a pointed face shape: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:Royal_Jelly_Crown-Equipped.png
Not to mention they don't spin and die in their death animation XD
And NJ go away stop flirting around for more peeps to add to your harem

Baby let me explain this you, rockhardog, Cavabear, are my 3 lovers for sure....Dogrock outranks you n cava ofc tho.....But Eury well that was love at first-sight hun you can't compete with that. SAPHY SAPHY SAPHY I LOVE U THO N UR BEHIND <3
20. Eury is dating me, so Bechamel just doesn't love you since your ugly.