The CE market is screwed, the mission system screws the arcade. The missions are a good tutorial, and they make bossfights faster. However, once you reach the end of the line, (Vanaduke) you get a wonderful mission that grants you a joyous 7500 crowns. I, at first, was not complaining. But then I realized that the CE price and the vanaduke mission are interwined. So..... We need a solution. Something that DOESNT screw the arcade, and keep the arcade and the mission system together. Oh... And CE, of course. Boss missions need a buff, like you can only do them 3 times a day each. I am not complaining, just wondering......
Why the CE will never go down.

The only reason for the rise was the fact that the elevators screwed things up.
Not missions.
Ce promos and new content reduce it.

It's simple economics. SK is a F2P game, so that means a lot of F2P players will come. The supply of CE does not equal demand, since F2P players do not contribute CE into the game, and the fact that there are people who supply who are leaving the game. Players will demand CE, and since the gaming population increases, the demand for CE increases. In short, unless SK gets rid of F2P players, then the CE market will pretty much get a LOT more expensive. If you're lucky enough that you can buy CE with real money, I salute you.
@Tohru thats the first reazon why the prices go up but Venomous is right, the 5* players can get easy crowns and thats why the prices remain instead of get lower with the time, there was a made and the prices don´t go lowering
the easy solution is to make the vanaduke mission obtainable only once and locking it once the player win.
this contribute also with the history, since each time we defeat vana, the depth 29 with the mision is like there´s nothing there and at the same time in the portal run there is the spiral team etc...
make the mission get locked after defeat it will add a excuse like "we (spiral team) cant go there again directly because (etc), also we discover other locked places and keep them locked due the dangerous darkness (shadowlair) and only the authorized personnel can go there (blabla). but after all you can try to kill vanaduke if you dare to reach him since the gate from Emberlight

Maybe knock the crown payout of KoA down a few pegs, while keeping FSC in the Arcade the same. After all, crowns weren't so inflated before missions came out.

"the easy solution is to make the vanaduke mission obtainable only once and locking it once the player win."
1) Players won't complete the mission then. They'll just leave after they finish all the stages, seeing as all Vana's good for is the tokens. Rinse and repeat
2) People will just go back to grinding regular FSC. I do regular FSC anyway; I appreciate the beast Strata that comes before it.

Say this in a slightly more monotone voice:
Oh look, the CE price went up. I bet if we complain a fifth time, instead of waiting for the cycle to complete like everyone else says, it will go eventually go down.

the sooner a promo will happen and the sooner CE will go down. More threads like this!

Promos are NOT sufficient enough to increase the supply, so therefore they don't help too much. All it does is stagnate the CE prices, maybe even lower them a bit.
@Psycho most 5* already defeat it so they gonna need to do other acount to use it as a anchor but craft the set shield and sword/gun from 2* will cost a lot at the current price
most of my friends leave the game because it was boring, they do two vana runs per day and after some time they get sick of the same over and over instead of just stop doing vana and play the rest of the game (or pvp) they left, i made a new account and found spiral interesting and fun again with a 2* on t2. but at the same time the mosters are more lame/easy (ie: when i was on t2 last year Alpha Wolver was like minibosses now they are normal wolvers with a dodge and more life) and craft to gear up is harder, i dont see how NEW players keep interested in a game were upgrade the equipment is so expensive. paradoxically OOO makes stuff able only for new players instead of make something for the actual/old players and make a better game experience for all

Buff FSC. Dramatically. Crown payout is the same, but it would take a ninja to solo all of FSC. Then, buff the jelly king. However, the buffs only apply to the MISSION SYSTEM. *hooray* Quickly, run to the arcades, FSC and Jelly King are now harder in the missions, but the nerfed one with tons of money lives in the arcade!
...However, I know this will not happen, because OOO wants their game so easy that even a mentally challenged baby could solo FSC
Yeah, this person.

Why is CE costing 8k such a bad thing?

- Significant increase in F2P playerbase
- P2P players buying elevator passes instead of CE
- P2P players leaving SK for stuff like Diablo 3
- CE sinks are too effective
- Crown sinks have barely any effect on the economy

Fundamental economic transformation!
CE 36,000!

CE will lower drastically then.