Seriously, enough with the automatic spam of the same items over and over again.
Featured auctions are such a joke now

Featured? No such thing, you do mean the regular auctions, right? I don't see anything on that tab called "Featured".

They weren't always a joke, back when they sold things like [non-rare color] wings, and prismatic, divine and volcanic Mech'Tennas, Bomb Bandoliers, etc.

Let's just say they're more of a joke now than they ever were. And the abundance of trojan and lovepuppy disguises being constantly pumped out just proves that they don't give a fudge about them anymore.

I don't understand why they don't have a vendor that sells the lovepuppy and trojan disguies.
They're ALWAYS there.
I can't renember a time I did not see one of those featured in the AH.

I'm assuming that the disguises are constantly pumped out because people constantly buy them. Same reason divine halos/wolver tails/prismatic wings are really common - they're in demand.

Feature something else please. Everyone whos rich already bought one of each thing on there, so so need for more volcanic divine and prismatic halos either.

@Sodaaddict: Do you seriously believe that? I think my screenshot shows that people don't buy them nearly enough to justify how often they are being put up, and that the featured auctions are no longer handled by conscious beings.
I'm certain that if they put up another survey about featured auctions, over 90% would reply that they would like to see new things there.

Leme guess they should dump every single accessory in there so we can pick what we want instead of generic prismatic/volcanic/divine
inb4 dumb idea
Honestly though, disguises should be sold somewhere else, true. Maybe maskwell...
As for the cycle of prismatic/etc, well people buy them, so they are... there. As... crownsinks.
Perhaps when one day the devs realise one of those prismatic halos/ w/e went by it's time period WITHOUT a single bid...
Which won't happen anytime soon.

In regards to the halos/tails/wings and such, those are ALWAYS bid on quite fiercely. (Echoing the thoughts of the others in this thread, I too would like to see other options.) And as Owaoforum said, they're there because people buy them. Crownsinks ftw?
As to the disguises, I agree that the sheer number of them on the AH is redonkulous. However, it's worth remembering that disguises are temporary. I don't know how much of an effect that would have on their consumption, but it's a factor.
I'm not sure if the featured auction is controlled by a person or not. Maybe it's some sort of automatic algorithm?
Would you perhaps like a trojan disguise or a love puppy disguise or a trojan disguise or a love puppy disguise?