Okay, I just did one of those Fiery Fusion Lichenous Lairs and found it... Disappointing? I saw oilers. Lots of em. What I didn't see: Fire. What good is having oilers on a level if the only fire on the levels is a status ailment from the slime turrets? I don't want really to have to suggest this but I want to know if anyone else has felt... A little disappointment from doing a Fiery Fusion depth?
Fiery Fusion... What?
I shouldn't have to work to make my life more difficult! D:
We do have a big o' poison Lichen, please give us a huge as lightening Lichen with AOE effects. It will literally be a rolling? oozing? tempest bomb.
@Rovec And then what? Where is that going to appear? Toxilargos only appear in one level and sadly to say I'm disappointed. It's basically a reskinned Giant Lichen Colony, same attacks and all. That poison mist is new... But it can't dash at all. How to beat it? Just spam the hack out of alchemers/unnamed gun/valiance/sentenza and it's gonna die without even being able to attack you OR EVEN COME CLOSE to you.
If they released toxilargos like less exclusively to one level, then fine. Until then, it's like... Seriously.
@OP ...You know what? I'm happy. The slippy slidey oilers attack with seemingly impossible range especially with my one bar connection, and I'm already annoyed. In FSC, oilers are the second/third thing to kill me most aside from ninja zombie leaps. What next? OOO change fiery fushion, make Oilers spawn on fire grates?
Kraanx tells you what to do if you are that disappointed with unlit oilers.
Oilers and Quicksilvers seem to have a bigger range than regular lichens. Walked past one and it did a 200 degree turn to bite me from behind.
Not that I'm complaining, I just find it a little odd.
I'm not talking about the spinning attack, but I know T3 Poison lichens do, but no other normal, non-colonized lichen does. I mean the standard forward tackle.
Jelly Cube? Ice Cube? Blast Cube? Even Rock Jellies and Imposto do a little spin when they attack.
My bad, you're talking about the SLIME family. I was talking about the Lichen series.
Yeah, all the CUBES have a spin attack, but only some Lichens.
throw fire stuffs at them. or catch fire, walk on an oil slick and let them walk over it.
or beg OOO for self-lighting oilers.