You know, the "recon cloak" one.
So many entries on memegenerator :D
You know, the "recon cloak" one.
So many entries on memegenerator :D
If you feel like someone is watching you, it's your fault. You could've used a RECON CLOAK!! TROLOLOL -in my best 10 year old voice-
I disagree with the whole "THIS PICTURE IS MEME" thing, you can't just do that... its like trying to force an inside joke, it doesn't work. It just kind of has to happen, and just because we want it doesn't mean that its going to happen.
I would like to submit the "CE prices are too damn high" as the SK meme
"Could have used a Recon Cloak"
"What Dark Ritual?"
"Code _____" (Suggestion Forums) (i.e. Code Blue)
"Another CE Rage Thread?"
"I feel like someone is watching me, even when I'm alone."
having an image macro doesn't make it meme-status.
"CE prices are too damn high" would make it part of the "too damn high" meme.
6) (this one got a little messed up)
"Could've used a Recon Cloak" was my brainchild- I used the pic before I knew it was Owao's. (Since then, I've credited her on memegenerator.) My goal was to start it up, and hopefully grow it into a full-out meme. Through sheer repetition.
So... help me? Really, it's that, or I get angry, go nuts in LD with my RSS, and use the meme anyway. Mid-LD. While I'm capping a point.
The worst part is that none of these "memes" are even good.
All right, I got a new pic. I found one, but... I can't add a new template to the first Recon Cloak pic. So I just put it somewhere else.
Godammit ENOUGH about the Jempire!
ALL I EVER hear about the Jempire it's ALWAYS someone whining about the Jempire ce reviving.
ALL *%^#$%@ WAYS.
I HIGHLY DOUBT the Jempire is the ONLY guild that uses ce reviving, and it's not like ALL of them do. A high number, maybe. ALL? No. Without being a member, how do I know?
MY LITTLE BROTHER IS IN THEIR GUILD. And moreover, they discuss stuff, whether ingame or on their own forum, and I get told sometimes. And I KNOW not all Jempire members ce revive.
But they are the ONLY guild ANYONE give a FLYING DUCK about when it comes to CE REVIVES.
GENRALLY, they're NICE PEOPLE believe it or not! The whole guild pitched in to bid on an accessory for one of their members for a gift when accessories came out. I don't hear choruses of praise for Kuger, who hosts the Question of the Day in the Treasure Vault, giving out 20ce each to two winners each day since I-forget-when, even when she nearly ran out of ce, she was adamant to keep it going (now probably the biggest thread in the entire forum). When my brother first joined, they helped him out in so many ways, I can't even COUNT them if I TRIED.
But NOBODY EVER talks about them in a good way. ALWAYS it's the ce reviving. I don't know WHAT your problem is (although I can guess), but get OVER it. The-Player-I-WIll-Not-Name got less hate from everyone, even AFTER blowing around the fact he had spent $800 over on Spiral Knights , for whatever reason, also raging at all things unfavourable to his 'proness' (I didn't know him personally, so I'm not going to judge his attitude. Just saying what I know.)
SEERUSLY guys. Grow up and knock it off.
Geez. Ticks me off every time.
I'm only defensive because all I EVER hear about them is whining about their reviving, supposed 'policy'. They don't deserve that. They're nice people, most of them anyway.
"shh, calm down"
No. This has been going on for TOO LONG for my personal liking, and I'm tired of it.
Does the 'Seerusly' one count? No-one's actually come up with a pic for that before.
Nobody come up with a picture for 'Seerusly' yet?
Challenge accepted....
not sure if seerus
or just trolling
Regrettably I don't have an image of Seerus... ._.
If you mean 'I bet Psycho's in the Jempire', that's a negative.
If you mean 'Psycho for new Jempire member', I'm kinda taken atm, and I'd feel bad if I joined them, somehow. After hearing all the ways they help their members, I'd just feel like I was joining for the freebies or something.
Idk, I'd just feel bad.
But if you mean 'Psycho = Jempire suckup', that's also a negative. I don't suck up.
If you don't get it: Your post ON Jempire. Your post TALKING about Jempire, and all your reasoning etc.
Are you that... negative? o.o
Reputations aren't earned for no reason. Whether Jempire rezes or not anymore is irrelevant. It is their reputation, and it has stuck. You may as well be trying to turn back the tides at this point. Better for them to just never ever rez in LD, even in public games. That might kill it.
Also, when you say people disparage them, I've only seen people do so about LD. I've only heard good things about everything else. You just hear about the LD thing more because it comes up in LD threads. Guild threads tend to be fine.
I have no strong opinions on Jempire outside of LD. I have no strong opinions of individual members of Jempire in random games of LD. I have problems with playing against Jempire in Guild vs Guild LD. It's just.... not fun. at all. It's super boring, and the result is always the same. Member goes down, is back 3 seconds later with striker dash. Team's absolutely filled with toothpick skolvers. YAAAAAWN.
Yeeah. Physco, Fluffy has a point. Jempire is INFAMOUS for CE reviving in LD. Honestly, even with my two pentas (I worked for months to get those, so it isnt cheatin') I take down 3 people WITH A RECON CLOAK XD, and then 2/3 insta rev+striker skolver clones are after me. I can sometimes take them down again, and then again, but those damn revivers come back in the next second.... >.<
I realise this is a bit too late
@soarel Drspacebar made the meme using MY picture, to clarify. I did not make it.
Psycho, i got another one. Rage for me.
Something I picked up from a friend.
I play GvG with the Jempire a lot, and we also face guilds that CE rev, sometimes even more than we do. You know I'm a fellow recon, and I too share your frustration, but eventually people have to get over it. The problem is, the fact is that people have such anti-Jempire sentiment that they will blame everything from CE rezzing to gear to try and compensate for their losses.
As for the matter of revives and revenge, some of the guilds I go up against have indeed done that against me. At such a stage, the best you can do is swing your sword, hope to damage/take them down, and wait for backup to come.
@Xair, or you can play rambo and go in for the kill!
I seerusly could use that meme. I've even added a "Magnus to the knee" image, in an attempt at pseudo-creativity.
"Psycho, i got another one. Rage for me."
Seerusly? You're such a child.
You've just shown me the extent of your maturity, and it's not very far.
Just because they ce revive, they've shown no behavior that counts as 'bragging' about it. Those like Xairathan that comment on their skills actually HAVE skills, they don't pretend to when they ce revive.
And the last time I recall Kuger buying ce was to help support the QotD. They're less selfish than you make them out to be.
Grow up.
"If you don't get it: Your post ON Jempire. Your post TALKING about Jempire, and all your reasoning etc."
...Nope...still don't entirely get it...maybe? Idk.
"Are you that... negative? o.o"
Yup. :P
@Guyinshinyarmour: You have a point, but that doesn't make it any fairer. Like how Asians have a stereotype of being smart, although being one myself, I can tell you that's not true. It's noticeable only because it happens in areas where there's recognition, academic awards being a very obvious stage, so people build their opinions around there. Whether or not it's true is besides the point; it's unfair to keep whining about something because there are a few people that noticed something.
It could even just be one or two people that got this started. Here's how:
-Ruby plays general LD.
-Someone faces him. Beats him. He is known as 'A'.
-A sees Ruby revive. And again. And again.
-A is not happy about it.
-A sees Ruby some other time with the 'Jempire' tag.
-A plays LD again.
-A sees another player energy revive. ALSO a Jempire member.
-A is talking to his friend B one day. B goes for GvG LD. B realizes his opponents are Jempire members.
-B tells A. A tells B the Jempire energy revives a lot.
-Rumours spread.
Granted, it's HIGHLY LIKELY that's not what happened. But it's an example.
"You just hear about the LD thing more because it comes up in LD threads"
The last time this happened, it was in a thread asking about how the Revive timer worked. Some player, who I highly suspect is an alt of someone here, posted 'If you're part of the Jempire, you don't wait for the timer'.
Uncalled for. That's what annoys me so much, people bring it up in discussion not even relevant. I'd be less annoyed if it was a discussion on what guilds were good at LD, and someone said 'Jempire', and someone argued that's only because they ce revive a lot, in which case I admit I'd probably still be there asking them to tone down the rage, if there was any I found to be a bit overboard.
But still, in discussions not about them, someone will bring them up JUST to spite them. EVEN THOUGH they're nice people.
@Fluffyfoxxie: Keep in mind that it's GvG LD. The only people that'll sign up for GvG are those who feel like it, and those are more likely to be the people who'll blow out whatever they need to win.
In Random LD, players could care less really. It's just a personal win, but in GvG, the players are usually there to boost their Guild's points. So they'll do what they feel they have to, even if it includes ce reviving.
@Venomousbiohazard: They're clones. You can't exactly tell them apart :P
But GvG is GvG. And they're only 'infamous' for it because people keep bringing it up. 'Not-named-player' has a reputation for being really cool or something, but he doesn't get a bad rep for spending hundreds of dollars to getting where he is, because no-one mentions it. (I know I am now, but I don't really have a better example)
My main beef with it is just that people keep bringing it up for no reason, in discussions sometimes not even relevant. In a thread discussing LD skill, I'll bet you could just post 'Jempire' and sparks would start flying.
This, this was a thread on SK MEMES, and someone brings Jempire hate along. Seerusly? It's not even REMOTELY relevant. The picture doesn't help at all, I can easily get a picture of anything and add a caption, it doesn't make it relevant. It isn't even an Sk meme.
The Jempire is mostly a guild of nice people. Yeah, some may have a little more cash to throw around than others, but it's not fair to give them so much hate OUTSIDE the reasoning for it. In a LD thread, I'd be more understanding about the dislike. But I'm not kidding when I say the moment I hear 'Jempire' in a discussion, there's whining about ce revives etc. They don't deserve a rep THAT bad, OUTSIDE of LD no less.
@Heavy: Nice one .(^.^)-b
It appears that Psycho wrote a novel.
It appears you have nothing better to do than whine about people and try to troll.
You're failing badly btw.
It's 6:16am EST and I'm on these forums reading posts all too angry for something a little too small. I'm going to bed.
Attention to the owner of the Seerus meme: SOMEONE'S been posting very angry and very offensive captions on your meme. Please delete them all. And tell him my Everfrost Valley is widely renowned as a GOOD idea, contrary to his "suggestions forum" related pic, and I have very little sense of entitlement.
OP here to clear up a few things--
1. This is NOT, i repeat, NOT a thread to whine about Jempire.
2. The recon cloak is a meme, whether you like it or not.
3. I have never seen a single Seerus image, but there are about 40 different recon cloak meme generators.
Not "we."
Owao does.