Do you use health trinkets in lockdown. And if you do, why? Do you think its unfair? list your opinions, im curious. execuse me for my grammer and spelling im asian
Usage of health Trinkets in LD, your Opinion?
If you can't beat them, Join them, apparently...
Sad, but True.
welp, i've seen people who don't use them....FAIL, there are not many people i've seen that have really done alot of damage without them -3-
they are a bit OP but as someone above said if you cant beat them join em. Im pretty good now if I have some I would be epic.
I think most classes use gear to hide their weaknesses and build their strengths.
Striker's more common, so they love heart trinkets since their HP is so gimped. By giving them more health, you give them more offensive power.
Recon has more health, loses sword ASI, and a fragile shield, so both ASI/damage are coveted stats (Recon + long fight is not a good thing).
I don't use Guardian, but as far as I can see, out of the other classes, they benefit the most by buffing their strengths (more health, more sword ASI, bomb CTR), but offensively, sword ASI benefits them more than health trinkets, I think.
I play recon almost exclusively and I switch between gun/sword damage trinkets, chaos/fallen/justifier sets, depending on who/what I'm fighting.
I've reached 10k damage with 8 caps without them. I've never used them in LD, and probably won't for a while until I save up.
Truthfully, I've two shotted health trinket users with my Glacius charge ;) I got them frozen first, then charge again and slay them.
I've done 19k damage and I've also gotten 12 or so caps without using them.
The main reason I don't use them is because I'm poor and I would rather focus on other gear.
I have nothing against them or those who use them and I look forward to the day when I
start playing with them. They're just not a top priority for me.
As already stated, they're easy to get so there's no reason for anyone to complain about them.
I never use them. It's unfair to the beginners. I play mostly T1 and T2 so there are quite a few nubs that show up.
personaly I dont use trinkets because it ruins the game for me. The most ive gotten is 10k damage 12 caps in tier 2
I use 1 because I dislike getting 2HKO'd by toothpicks.
If you can't beat those using it, you use it yourself.
Personally I've been holding from those a bit. The resources you spend to make one penta can let me make my skolver coat. But being a somewhat competitive person I've made two tri-hearts for T2, and one dual heart that I'll make into penta one day (hopefully)
The reason people hate it is because: Those people who can't get it can't play as well as those who can. But in the end of the day ask yourself this: If you play it for fun, why do you care? If you want to be up there killing stuff here and there and still surviving, why not just get them(pendants) yourself?
On unfairness: I'm just gonna garner hate and w/e, but if you call using heart pendants unfair say hello to the new auto target is unfair/ needs to be removed/ etc
I don't use them.
I don't really care who DOES use them really, I just blame my lack of skill among other things, instead of claiming they have Pendants or even caring whether they do or not. If anyone mentions it, I'm more likely to ask them to cut out the whining than join i about how unfair it is. With the right tactic, I can beat it.
Or sometimes I just get lucky.
Either way, it makes no difference to me.
I think they unbalance the classes somewhat. Mostly that it hurts recons and helps strikers.
Also further strengthens those with good UV's on their gear. More health means higher defense has more of an effect. And if the player gets max ASI and DMG from equips, they can use both trinkets on health.
As a gunner, I don't really mind it though. Longer, more interesting fights. Also, getting 2HKO'd by toothpicks was unfortunate as its not that difficult to land a second toothpick hit after the first.
They make me sad
Imma recon with overfilled sword asi to make up to it since I cant stand slow swords. 2 FF/GF hits and Im on the floor.
Im all for banning them
I'm skint and can't be bothered to splash out on trinket slots.
In older circumstances I would have managed to finish off a Dusker clone without much trouble... then I ran into this guy, set him on fire, three swings and he's still up and running.
It used to be that heart pendants could only be acquired as a rare drop from Love Puppies. Now that they are available to everyone at the same cost as crafting regular gear, there should be no more whining about the issue. Saying heart pendants are unfair is like saying having 5* gear is unfair to those in 4*.
Not to mention they are crafted at the KROGMO MACHINE... Hmmm, must be for LOCKDOWN.
I'll laugh so hard when i see someone in vitasuit delux, ancient plate helm, two pentas and the effects of scarlet shield.
And then dancing around them, hammer smashing untill they rage quit.
Better that than having to beat someone lucky enough to get the 5* version from a Puppy drop without any other way to get them. If said player was a competent LD player, he'd be next to invincible.
This way, at least other people can get it.
I feel like i should just give out penta heart trinkets... Stop all the wah wah
I don't have pentapends (penta heart pendant) yet and not planning to get one either, I will just use health pendants when I'm trying a new playstyle then 'till I got the hang of it, I will remove it off. But In T2 lockdown, It's a must, So I can survive more against clones.
It's a good thing Nicoya didn't see that post.
Click on this link ^ Guaranteed non-troll.
I think all UV's, trinkets extra little bits are all unfair.
They give you a longer lasting life. When lockdown made its debut in the real game (not testing server) even skolvers would die in 2 hits by the flourish. I think they help everyone by living a longer life and not having to wait 10 seconds to go back to spawn.
They were nothing but helpful to lockdown, no argument.
Being alive=fun. Waiting to respawn=not fun. Having trinkets to make you die lessish=more fun.
You're not forced to use them, and using them doesn't guarantee victory. They just give you an advantage over not having trinkets just like all the other trinkets. Why single out heart pendants? You're not forced to use 5* gear either but using it gives an advantage over having 4*.
Sometimes I feel like there should be a logic based skill testing question when registering for forums.
Meh I use them. Imo after you have VH ASI on weapons and since striker gives you both ASI med and DMG med, using trinkets is your only sure-fire way of improving. Sure, they are unfair, But LD was never fair to begin with. You don't need them all the time. Sometimes you can dance around an opponent without getting hit once. But sometimes they are life-saving. Anyway, saying using *5 heart trinkets is cheap is like saying using saying *5 ASI trinkets or bomb dmg trinkets is cheap. They all give you an edge over someone who doesn't have it.
Does it bloody matter if you use them or not? they are just like other trinkets and provide a set bonus. People choose different bonuses based on their needs and hearth pendants is just a popular choice for strikers.
I use Heart Trinkets...
To be honest, I really don't care about them. They're a piece of equipment that people seem to get all worked up about. Rather cheap too. Enamorocks are plentiful, and you don't need recipes.