So what does it mean on the discription of sudaruska when it says "who is more than willing to trade style and panache for ridiculuos amount of blunt force trauma" does it mean its weaker?
what does it mean when it says......on sudaruska?
Mon, 06/04/2012 - 20:30
Mon, 06/04/2012 - 22:10
Smashing things...
It most surely Stylish and full of panache.
Mon, 06/04/2012 - 22:17
What Duke said.
If you're looking for the meaning OF the words, it means it's trading things like flair and grace, otherwise 'looking cool' while using it, for the ability to smash stuff with brute strength.
No, it means that Sudaruska users are trading speed and style and the whatnot for epic smashes and knockback and force.