so i heard someone wanted to 1v1 Exileddread, i just fought him in T2, i have one thing to say to you, good luck, and i hope you don't cry......
Good luck....
can't really take sides, but i think i know who will win this one....
Battle of the century...
Fuaarrkk. Kattamoon wasn't up for it after saying she could 1v1 him np.
Both are great players but one has a clear chance of winning were the battle to occur.
If it doesn't, I'll face Exileddread. . . If you all pay me. . . a lot. . . maybe. . .
(Not that I'd stand any chance. . . I'm just that poor)
I demand a T1 match between these two!!! C'mon! Y U NO PLAY IN T1 >:U
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
oh boy...i feel sorry for whoever challenged him
Exiled knows my tactic vs him in Lockdown it works most of the time....While the members on my team have an e-ego fight and try to kill him I run the other direction and just cap lol he seen this tactic work many times against him =)....*me looks at mini-map see's 3 team members disappear, and goes away from that area*.
the most i'll do, is challenge thrill to 1vs1
Yup, good luck Kattamoon, and may the odds be ever with you.
(But I'm totally rooting for Exiled =o)