It's taking over an hour to download this update... >.> I haz a feeling we are downloading something moar...
It says I have 91min 22 secs remaining!. Oh noes! D=
EDIT: A few minutes after, it's downloaded 70% with 1075min remaining and rising a few hundred every few seconds. I think something's wrong =/
Yeah... that's 7 hours. AND ITS STILL RISING
Edit: 447 GET
Yeah, I'm at 70% :P
Time has switched from 13 to 59 to 85 minutes.
what the (bless) I'm in the thousands on my download, and it's not stopping...
316 minutes, 56 seconds. I think not, I will just not play this game until it's fixed.
EDIT: It seems to have frozen at 417:24 and now it's validating
EDIT 2: Now it's at 501:39 and at 70% and it looks like it won't be moving from there.
Oh jesus, I hope in 500 minutes Ican play my spiral Knights
295 minutes. I Hope with an update this big it actually has content in it.
It's not a big update, not a big update at ALL. It is just a messy download or something because not even the SL update was this long. [And by that I mean like 500 minutes less than this update.]
Currently 97% done, >1400:nn left (it keeps rising).
Time started rising at 70% (90 minutes + left, then going into several hundred), then did a jump from 70% to 90%, and then this.
Oh, under 1400 now. Or not... It goes over 1400 and then under again while I type here.
Some people can't detect sarcasm. zomg 71%
Oh yeah, 81% 16 minutes 22 seconds left :)
Went from 501 minutes to 16 minutes in 5 minutes.
No its just not downloading right.