Gate countdowns should show days, not cycles

Each upcoming gate has a counter that tells how many "cycles" will occur until the gate opens.
However, this is very confusing, as each cycle is two days: if you don't already know how many days are left in a cycle, you have no idea when the gate will open. For a new player, with no knowledge of cycles at all, it's even more confusing.
So, I'd like to propose a simple fix: the gate counter should now indicate how many *days* are left until a gate opens, instead of the number of 2-day rotations left. This will remove ambiguities like "0.5 cycles looks like 2 days left".
I was completely confused as to when new gates opened, and still am. I just wait until they do.
I completely agree with the changing of cycles to days; so all us new players understand!

Posting here since this is a similar topic, rather than starting a new thread.
It would also be great if gates under construction had their names (Dark Serpent, Coral Rook etc.) displayed somewhere in the mineral deposit interface. Coordinating gate construction could become easier to communicate with proper names used to avoid confusion among players.
Cycle days confused Boswick yesterday. So I think that's enough reason to change it over.
If it's confusing devs, it's more than enough to confuse everyone else.