Blablabla ce prices are too high, we can't play because the run payout is too low. No, just kidding. Or maybe not.
In this patch Three Rings has nerfed the only thing we can do for gain some crowns, except buy it for real money.
The Rez'd zombies don't drop crowns/heat anymore, and the only think the players are talking about is how cool is the chance to have a slot dedicated to the tails.
I'm not a free player. I payed sometimes for ce and elevator pass, but this thing make me sick.
Now is only a 1/2 game based on how much you shop, nothing more, nothing less
Just two words about this new fabolous patch.
A blocked zombie was a not usual condition. Now you must remove every totem for the risk not gaining the loot from the monster, because if it die in the circle, it' completely useless.
So, not only we must remove every single totem, but we must do it for the same payout because we will gain less if we don't kill it immediatly.
Okey please tell me how this can guarantees the same loot and faster than before, i'm curious.
No, i'm not sarcastic.
I could've sworn I saw a zombie drop loot even though it died within a circle, while running FSC a while ago...
They drop their loot the moment they're killed for the first time, even if they're in the circle. This means that you can kill the zombie, pick up the loot, and ignore it when it is resurrected. (Unless in an area all zombies must by flat out destroyed for the next wave to spawn.)
It's now like gremlins who die and drop loot but their bodies remain available to be resurrected until after a period of time or all menders in that proximity are killed. Everything will be okay.
I killed a zombie in the circle, he dropped nothing. He resurrected, and dropped nothing again. What are you talking about?
I managed to kill a few slags before lagging to death in FSC.
It's EXACTLY as Bladder said.
NO crowns are lost.
Maybe i was talking about the rapper. No i'm joking. I don't speak so much in english, and i must do a lot of practice yet.
Anyway, how we can't miss the crowns, if the zombie killed in the circle are automaticaly resurrected without the loot?
I'm sorry but it seems that i'm totaly missing the point of situation.
Normally, a zombie wouldn't drop anything when it was killed in a totem's radius and if the totem was removed before it revived the zombie, the skull would disappear after a period of time. This means that some zombies were giving nothing despite being killed.
With this patch, a zombie drops loot when it's first killed, even if it's killing in a totem's radius. This guarantees loot and guarantees it faster than having to push the zombie out of the radius to get more loot.
Now, you can just kill it once and ignore it, thus giving pros a quicker opportunity to run FSC (Seeing as how you don't have to remove totems in certain places to get the loot).
So, shall we continue to talk about how greedy and cruel the developers are for fixing this problem?