Hi Everybody! I'm Jennytheturtle, one of the Guild Masters of Heavenly Blizter.
We are currently looking for members who are T3 (4-5 stars). Players of all kinds are welcome. We are looking for fun and enthusiastic knights who we can get to know. We would like to start having guild runs of the clockworks and play some Guild Lockdown. Or, just some nice people we can hang out with. :)
We also like snipe herding, farming jk and playing around with glitches.
Australian and New Zealand (or southern hemisphere players in general) Players are especially welcome as I am an Aussie myself and it's hard to find friends who are on at the same time as everyone in the Northern Hemisphere should be asleep or are just waking up when it's night time for us.
We have plently of spots so please just leave a message here or message me or Epicswag (the main Guild Master) in game.
(P.S. people with glasses are especially cool ;))
Where u at!? :P