I downloaded the driver for Mac OS X and am now playing with my ps3 controller. Thing is that when I logged on today the game did not respond to my ps3 controller and so I looked at my control mapping in the options menu and it did not have any of the "gamepad" buttons mapped on anymore. How can I remap my ps3 controller? Please help.
Controller mapping help needed.
Wed, 06/06/2012 - 19:10

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 19:36

But I thought the driver on
But I thought the driver on the wiki was for bluetooth only.
Wed, 06/06/2012 - 20:54
Oh, you might not have the
It seems that controllers are broken for SK right now anyway. Wait for the next patch, then try it again. The drivers you're using should be working fine for other games, at the very least. :v
Wed, 06/06/2012 - 20:56

The patch that they just
The patch that they just released has made the controllers not work anymore. Now we have to wait for SK to fix it! You can't use your controller so don't bother trying to fix anything the issue is on SKs end. Same thing happened to me no more mapped buttons. Nothing works.
Wed, 06/06/2012 - 21:13

You could use programs like Xpadder to map keyboard input to your controller, though. It won't quite be the same, but until this is fixed it's either that or keyboard + mouse.
Eh, I've had that happen, though I run Windows 7. No clue why my binds were wiped. Just map them back onto the right places. Also, make sure that your controller is plugged in and functional *before* starting SK. If you plug it in after, SK won't recognize it and you'll need to restart the game.